Hello, my doctor at Cleveland Clinic called yesterday and told me that they want to put me on Imuran. He said it's better for my liver than other medication for Takayasus (I now have definite diagnosis from CC). He wants me to start it right away. I am very scared about taking this drug or other immunosuppressive drugs. The side effects are scary: brain infection, cancer, infections, liver, kidney damage etc.,
Has anyone just decided to take predisone only for GCA? Has that worked for anyone? I honestly don't know what to do as I feel very overwhelmed about the addition of medicine this time. The doctor explained the seriousness of my disease and that they believe I had Takayasus 8 years ago. It may have burned out then or may not have. I don't know. But the new symptoms are more in my head and neck this time. I also have had a hard time breathing for years. I didn't put this as vascultitis because I was told FMD 8 years ago, not sure if I have pulmonary involvement now.
I get my CTA's in two weeks. I will know more about damage. If there is none right now, would it be ok to stay just on pred? Just asking about people's experiences. I know I can't get doctor advice on here, but everyones' experience is so helpful for me. It is a big decision to take immunosuppressants because of what can go wrong. But, yes I know not taking any medication is a very bad decision.
Thank you