Hello everyone,
Some of you may be aware that I went into hospital yesterday for a hysteroscopy, a laparoscopy and the removal of a small uterine polyp.
I thought it might be helpful to just explain how I chose to manage my steroids over this period of time.
Obviously, our circumstances are all different, but I feel that my experience shows that it can be possible to undergo more minor operations with minimal upheaval to your steroid dose.
Because these procedures were all to be carried out under general anaesthetic, I felt it necessary to investigate beforehand the impact this whole 'situation' might have on my adrenal function & cortisol levels, and how I might be able to mitigate any potential problems by adjusting my steroid dose.
Together with previous information gleaned here and a pre-operative discussion with both my gynaecologist and the anaesthetist, I was able to organise a mutually agreed care plan around these issues.
As a result of this, the following was decided:-
- Although I couldn't eat from midnight, I was allowed (and indeed encouraged) to drink water up to 6am the day of the operation.
- It was decided that I would take my normal daily dose of 2mgs a little earlier than normal at 5.30am (I know many people take their steroid early morning anyway, but I have always successfully taken mine after my breakfast)
- The anaesthetist would then supplement this during the operation with some extra hydrocortisone.
- If everything went according to plan then I'd continue with my normal 2mg dose today...... and that is what I plan to do as I'm feeling really good, with little pain from the wound sites and feeling no necessity to increase my daily dose of prednisolone.
I did experience one tiny issue though!!!
I was not allowed to be discharged until I'd passed urine.
I would have been home by 1pm but unfortunately, I couldn't 'perform' until 6pm in the evening!!
I was drinking water constantly to try and get things moving, but mother nature wasn't going to be rushed!
I finally returned home at 7pm... and of course, the flip side of this, is that after having drunk over 2litres of water throughout yesterday afternoon, I spent much of the night trotting backwards and forwards to the loo!! 😄 🤣
Hope this reassures people that with the right set of circumstances and some preparation, it is possible to undergo these kind of procedures with minimal impact on our PMR/GCA or steroid dose.
PS. I was also given a one-off shot of antibiotic in with the anaesthetic/analgesic 'mix', just to lessen any chance of infection setting in.