The urologist who referred me for the Ultra sound scan and cystoscopy is now away until the 29th August however the NHS have sent me an appointment for the cystoscopy next Friday, 16th.
The urology department when making the appointment remarked that the USS had come back normal with no focal lesions visible either in the bladder the liver or aorta or the kidneys. Normal size spleen, gallbladder and pancreas . All blood tests also normal and since then I have given another urine sample which has returned "normal"
So the nurse I spoke to is now querying as to whether there is any need to go ahead on Friday, as she stated the cystoscopy is much more invasive, when all looks well ?
I am between a rock and a hard place to make a decision, I guess this is all re-assuring however I am thinking the camera test wouldn't be bad just to really be thorough ? At the end of the day I just want to draw a line under the whole thing.
has anyone else been in this position please ?
any advice or help once again much appreciated