Has anyone else had their inner demon released by... - PMRGCAuk


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Has anyone else had their inner demon released by steroids?

Rotsky profile image
34 Replies

Near my 80th birthday and usually when things go wrong I say “Oh well, never mind”. Just recently, on 60 mg Prednisolone, after a usual disrespectful comment from a family member (been going on for years) I suddenly found my ‘voice’ and said things that had been a long time coming.

“Oh well, never mind” had been overtaken by this inner demon. Has anyone else experienced this?

Not sure how I feel, still a bit angry as well as suprised.

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Rotsky profile image
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34 Replies
DorsetLady profile image
DorsetLadyPMRGCAuk volunteer

Did also have an episode when I was on 60mg… whilst waiting in a very slow queue in a garden centre! But it was short-lived and soon forgotten by all.

Yours might not be forgotten so quickly as it was a family member… but it’s happened now so let it lie. No point fretting about it… and it might have made the other person think twice about their comments.

Rotsky profile image
Rotsky in reply to DorsetLady

It was something of a relief. Before that even my son-in- law had said I should not be treated like that. Thank you for your advice on ‘letting it lie’. A part of me is still very unrepentant as well as a bit stunned. Great advice and friendship in ,this forum.

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply to Rotsky

Then it is fine - my suggestion below was for if you felt it was wrong. If it meant a few needed home truths were expressed - that's fine too,

SnazzyD profile image

And people joke about ‘roid rage’! Yes sometimes it’s embarrassing or risks a punch in the nose. Sometimes I think it’s a little helper in order to find one’s voice that debatably shouldn’t have been silenced by others either. The consequences can be difficult but perhaps the truth needs to be out. It can have the same effect as having a few drinks too many.

Rotsky profile image
Rotsky in reply to SnazzyD

Thank you for that SnazxyD. I was so so surprised at myself, usually accused of being too mild in my responses.

SnazzyD profile image
SnazzyD in reply to Rotsky

Silencing oneself for years isn’t healthy either but it would be nice to get a warning about when we upset the family dynamic apple cart!

Gimme profile image
Gimme in reply to Rotsky

In certain circles, grey rocking can be a great technique for managing annoying people, but I do think that some people need a warning shot over the bows now and again to pull them up.

Gimme profile image
Gimme in reply to SnazzyD

Right on the button. lol I think I am a bit more truthful than I would normally be, except for when I am under the affluence of incohol. I believe they call it Dutch courage. 😆

PMRpro profile image

Oh yes - "roid rage". My granddaughter knew all about THAT when she was on high dose pred repeatedly for brittle asthma. The medical-orientated family knew all about it - but Opa wasn't amused. I was even easier to rouse than usual - never suffered fools gladly anyway but on even 15mg pred was very snappy. But if it is any comfort, PMR without pred had almost exactly the same effect.

However - if it might help, make sure info about pred side effects is available. Explain if you want/need to and don't let it simmer.

Rotsky profile image
Rotsky in reply to PMRpro

Am wonder if, after all these years, this is the ‘new me’. Just been referred for cataract surgery in my good eye.

A new start all around!

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply to Rotsky

It may be but it needn't be. I calmed down a lot but I still take no prisoners!!

Sophiestree profile image

it feels to me that it is something you have wanted to say for a while and from your son in laws comment needed to be said. Do you feel a bit better now it's out in the open. You can walk away from toxic friends, but much harder with family so maybe it needed to happen and the pred just helped you on your way 😉

Rotsky profile image
Rotsky in reply to Sophiestree

Thank you!

borednow profile image

Well done you - that family member might engage brain before opening mouth next time. More down to approaching 80'th than prednisolone I would have thought!!

marionofnorwich profile image
marionofnorwich in reply to borednow

Yes I was thinking that. It sounds like about time you spoke your mind. Maybe it is more a case of steroids courage than rage

Bluey-1 profile image

Oh yes! On 60 mg I was impossible. I had zero patience with anyone, especially people who thought I was just a bit poorly and if I took the pills I’d recover. ‘Do pop in to the BBQ tomorrow if you’re up to it.’ What’s wrong with that, a kind offer but I’d already told this person I was laid up on the sofa. I think I was totally irrational, struggling to understand what was happening to me and impatient with anyone else who hadn’t a clue. Terrible period. It will get better for you.

Koalajane profile image

well done, sometimes these things brew up and just have to come out!

Hope your cataract goes as well as they usually do.

SheffieldJane profile image

Doesn’t sound like a demon. More like your authentic self biting back.

Prednisalone does have irritability in its side effects and I have certainly noticed a lack of patience in myself and possibly a clearer articulation of what has annoyed me. I wouldn’t worry too much, they probably had it coming by the sound of it.

Rotsky profile image
Rotsky in reply to SheffieldJane

Oh thank you so much. It really was a long time coming but up to then had just let it go, year in year out.

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply to Rotsky

Then it was high time someone called the person's bluff. Manners cost nothing.

Poshdog profile image

Good for you! X

MDT1 profile image

Hi Rotsky, with family I haven't had a big rage -yet-did in a supermarket! Eek...but in the past few months as pred leads to other conditions and suffering continues, family and Some friends, seem less tolerant or understanding of my situation. So I seem to be having lots of little ones! I feel they understand fine so long as it doesn't impact them but otherwise its almost like they think I should buck up! Hey-ho. Hope they never have to experience similar. Hope you feel better soon. Soubds like it was well needed x

MDT1 profile image
MDT1 in reply to MDT1

What I meat to say too but pred brain forgot!! .. is that I think some personality changes its also possibly due to changing life style and pain etc... not just drug side effect x

krillemy profile image

Ohhh Yes! Goes away on lower dosages - for me under 15 mg

MarksPoint profile image

Absolutely........!!!! My inner demon reigned superior for about 6 months. I was on 65mg Pred for 4 weeks then 60 mg for 12 weeks then started to reduce. I was absolutely psychotic during that time, I was totally aware of things I was saying and doing but had no way of stopping them. As my dose receded so did my psychosis but it has left me terribly scarred emotionally as very afraid of ever having to repeat that dosage.

Gimme profile image

I tend to avoid loss of dignity generally, even when feeling impatient or annoyed. Wouldn't say that I am any more volatile on pred, but I would say that I have become more brave and honest, as a few people have found out when they got on my nerves. Though I'm not sure how much of that is the pred and how much that was due to menopause. Getting rid of all that oestrogen has certainly made me a lot more forthright in the last 15 years, than I used to be, and it has been a blessed relief.

GerriMc profile image

oh yes, when I was on 20mgs or thereabouts, I could blow up over the least thing. Yours seems like a legitimate reason.

My daughter used to refer to it as my roid rage!

Sorolla profile image

Being on 60mg and presumably having PMR I wonder if you go through the strange emotional cycles that I have on my meagre 7.5? It is more than fatigue and affects my ability to absorb the emotional bumps of the day, really understand what is going on for the people around me and give them the support they need. As others have pointed out one doesn't appear ill with PMR and it doesn't attract sympathy. Do they really understand what you have and what it means for you? You can always send them DL's excellent summary of it to help them work out what's happening - I did. Good luck and certainly don't feel badly about it.

By the way my painting efforts are marvellous for keeping me grounded. If anyone else does it or wants to try I'd be happy to be in touch with you.

S4ndy profile image

Oh yeah! Roid rage! At higher doses my family used to retreat. My son calls me his little dragon and my hubby used to say my inner Rottweiler had been released. Now I am on lower dose of 4mg my inner calm is better but sometimes, just sometimes the dragon spits a bit of fire 😂

Steal profile image

Feel the power! Yes it does seem to go with the steroid territory, but it can be a blessing. Don't be repentant, but now you know you can speak out you can be brave enough to do so when needed.

offprenisone profile image

yes, i understand so well....even on lower levels now after 13 yrs..it makes me moody and harder to keep my mouth shut...lol

KASHMIRI1 profile image

Good for you, in my experience my family seem to think that because you are family they can behave how they like and say what they want with no repercussions at all. At one point I went totally no contact with them all and it was great but only lasted about 6 weeks. I don't think family would treat their friends how they treat their family.

Rotsky profile image
Rotsky in reply to KASHMIRI1

Oh so true. We have heard this particular family member on the phone to others and have said ‘If only they talked to us like that!’

Jbobby profile image

Gosh! I’m sooooo with you . In fact I’m down to 8.5 pred and still having explosive outbursts. I have had 3 almost terminal rows recently - two with family members 😱. Like you, I’m usually in favour of keeping the peace and not making my voice heard so actually it’s been quite liberating even though there remain a few things I wish I’d not said. I’ve decided that it’s probably a good thing overall although it’s made me super conscious of watching out when I feel that ‘roidrage’ coming on.

In your case I wouldn’t worry. It sounds like whatever you said needed to be said in response to a ‘disrespectful comment’.

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