Hello again everyone. I have had Maderna jab, then the flu, cough etc, but not covid. All other ailments, except cough had subsided...but now aching calf muscles in both legs. Back from GP appt, but not very reassuring, as it was a student locum, in hospital scrubs, who almost took longer reading up my notes, than trying to diagnose. Result...it's not DVT, but come back if it gets any worse...It's fine when I'm walking or moving, buzzing when resting or sitting. Would hot/ cold compress, ot voltarol cream be useful do you think? Stretching exercises...or likely to make it worse. All suggestions, or similar experiences welcome. Thank you.
Aching calf muscles : Hello again everyone. I have... - PMRGCAuk
Aching calf muscles

How strange - does position when sitting/lying make a difference?
Strangely...if I press my calves together, it eases slightly...would magnesium salt baths help? Is it yet another covid jab reaction...or preds...?
Just a thought, probably daft! I know they have ruled out DVT but even so I wonder if it's worth trying some compression stockings to see if they help. Even a minor increase in blood flow might help.
I was diagnosed with PMR nearly two years ago and the main pains were in my calves and behind my knees. I had trouble especially when bending my legs getting down or up. I reduced my preds from 20mg very slowly and eventually came off them at Christmas but all the pains came back. I am now on 5mg and clear of pain so staying at that level. It sounds like the same symptoms as yours.
The odds of developing DVTs in both legs simultaneously are vanishingly small. The time to worry is when one leg swells up but not the other.
I have also had a lot of calf/shin pain/discomfort for a long time. I think acupuncture helps
My calf muscles do similar but mostly due to exertion. I have PMR & GCA and the circulation in my legs is poor. Vascular surgeon put a stent in one leg and is scheduled to put several in the other. I asked if this was caused by GCA. He shrugged and said age, GCA and/or smoking. Take your pick. I would recommend that you get an ultrasound check. That's how mine was found.