I posted a few days ago asking advice about my mum having Spa treatments with GCA.My mum was so looking forward to it and on arriving at hotel there was building work getting done so they took us a detour to the leisure centre. The young boy who showed us way said there was a flight of stairs going down which my mum said was no problem. What was supposed to be 1 flight ended up 3 and once started we had no option but to keep going. When we got to bottom there was another flight going back up and my mum felt her left leg go and she was absolutely shaking by time she got to top. It wasn't painful just couldn't hold her up but once she sat for a bit she calmed down and went on to have a lovely facial and a very gentle leg massage.
We felt awful as we should have went ahead and checked but we had never been to this hotel so relied on the staff who knew my mum had mobility issues.
A complaint is already going in to them.
After a lovely lunch my husband came to pick us up and when my mum was getting into the car which she is in every day as she put her right leg in her other leg couldn't hold her weight and just gave way and she fell down between car and pavement. My husband and I got her up and while she wasn't hurt she was embarrassed and a bit shaken.
It was a horrible end to a lovely afternoon for her.
Apologies for long winded post but my question is yesterday she is bit sore all over and her left leg still feels weak and sore when she stands up. We are due to start week 4 of DL 5 week taper from 10mg to 9mg on Friday nd I'm wondering if I should continue tapering as normal or hold of for another week until the pain has eased.
The last time this happened and her left leg wouldn't hold her was stepping onto bus after my nieces wedding in September last year and she fell it took a week or so for it to settle down.
My parents live in a bungalow so stairs are something my mum rarely comes across.
I'm just so angry at myself for letting it happen as she has been great recently getting out her wee walks daily and really enjoying them and looking so well I just hope this doesn't set her back.