As some of you may know my mum was diagnosed last March with GCA and since then has successfully tapered to 9mg using DL 5 week taper with no flares so far.She has had ups and downs over the past year but at the moment she is looking and feeling well which we hope continues.
My question is with regards to getting massage while on steroids and while having GCA/PMR as my mum got a spa voucher for my sister and I and herself at Christmas. The SPA are aware my mums on long term steroids but I am still a bit concerned about what treatments it's safe for my mum to get. I did mention it to our ophthalmologist at her last visit and he said she was okay to get a facial buy wanted to ask you lovely people on here. The treatments available are Holistic Taster Facial(not quite sure what that is) an oriental head massage a collagen eye treatment and a foot and leg massage.
I'm just very wary of getting anything that could trigger a flare given we have come so fat but on the other hand maybe a nice facial would be beneficial?
Her skin is very thin and fragile and she bruises or tears it every time she bumps into anything so as much as she would love foot and leg one would it make things worse?
Any advice or if anyone has had any experience of any of these therapies would be greatly appreciated.
Thanking you all in advance.