Well, we have got to the bottom of my mum's groin pain. The day after our trip to A&E she fell and broke her hip (opposite to the painful leg) and has had to have a hip replacement. The doctor informed me that she had another injury in the other leg hence the stiffness and groin pain. Since her op I have been told she had a fracture down the front of her leg probably from a previous fall. That will hopefully heal itself. So seems it wasn't PMR after all!
Confused Carer back again: Well, we have got to the... - PMRGCAuk
Confused Carer back again

Difficult to know if that is good or bad! But at least they should be able to do something about it!
But I am really appalled they hadn't x-rayed before and their attitude was reprehensible if you ask me.
Hope she's feeling lots better very soon xx
I am so sorry for you both. X
Oh My the poor dear! That sounds mighty painful.
May I ask, where does it hurt in the hip?
I have not had a fall but three days ago my hip started hurting out of nowhere. It hurts all around the hip into low back. I am trying to decide if I should go to emergency.
Hope all goes well with your mum.
What medication do you take?
Are you replying to me? prednisone, Tylenol ,cbd oil, estrogen
I wondered if you were on anything nasty that might lead to a spontaneous fracture or to avascular necrosis. Pred can do the second so an x-ray probably is called for. But it could well be bursitis - which won't show up on the x-ray but other things would be ruled out.
Thanks so much for responding. I have had 2 stress fractures blamed on prednisone. My hesitation is, I don't think I could walk around on a hip fracture. I can walk with some pain but I can't bend over, stand for long and getting in bed is very painful. When I sit down it feels like something is stabbing me in the back. It last about 40 seconds and then goes away. This is all so maddening. On top of which we are at -20 degrees wind chill and I don't want to go out in that kind of cold. Just when I think I have a better handle on things, something happens.
Stay Warm
You'd be surprised what it is possible to walk around on! You need an x-ray - read by an expert. Hairline fractures are easy to miss - especially when new. Whether it is a bone or muscles it needs to be investigated.
I can tell you that it is perfectly possible to walk around with a broken hip as I did so myself for a week last November. I continued teaching, and driving and had full mobility. I could swing and rotate the leg as well as normal, which is probably better than many people my age, as I dance a lot. I could also walk up and down stairs. It bloody hurt all the time, though!
When I decided that things were not quite as they should be I went to the GP, he thought it wasn't broken either because I was walking and had full mobility, but at my request sent me for an X-ray anyway just in case. When I had the X-ray, the radiologists could see the break but because I was mobile the orthapaedic team didn't believe their eyes and ordered a scan aswell. Once they'd got that my independence went down the pan and I was stuck there for a week. Then everyone I met at the hospital for the first time would exclaim "Oh - you're the lady who's been walking around for a week with broken hip - you must have a very high pain threshold!" Clearly my notoriety spread like wildfire!
Anyway, I'm all in one piece again, having been screwed back together and I am now notorious(!) for healing quickly and very effectively.