Hi everyone,
Just to let you know about my trip to the wedding in Eire (Bunratty) last weekend. First of all we made the mistake of travelling by car and ferry and it was a long journey even though we stayed in a hotel overnight at Stranraer going, we should have flown and it would have been much shorter, less tiring. On the morning of the wedding, I had a mishap, lost my footing and fell on some steps outside the hotel. (This was before I had a drink, I may add). I went down with a real thud which was worse as I am by no means a small lady. As you can imagine, I bruised my shins, knees, elbow and shoulder. Anyway, I managed to get ready and the wedding service at the church and the reception was lovely. I actually felt okay. The next day, however, the bruises had really come out, they were made worse as I am on Warfarin, which together with the Pred have made bruises really colourful. I am feeling achy all over and have been very fatigued until this morning. I seem to be recovering from my trauma of falling and the stress of travelling, wedding etc. I am not sure if my aches and pains are the PMR or the effects of falling. I am due to cut down to 20mg Pred on Saturday. I am only reducing by 2.5mg instead of 5mg and GP is okay with this. Hope I haven't gone on too much. Pat