I was diagnosed with GCA four and a half years ago , am on my third relapse and am tapering (now 10mg prednisolone and weekly Actemra). At the onset I had severe headaches and a dark 'veil' over half of my left eye which went after about 5 minutes and the opthalmologist put me on 60 mg prednisolone. I also had a biopsy and GCA was confirmed.
I didn't have further eye problems until the beginning of my third relapse last November, when the veil reappeared. This time I was referred to a stroke clinic (ultrasound on carotid artery and CT brain scan proved clear) but still recommended to treat visual problems as TIAs. I am now on blood thinners and tablets for hypertension as well as lowering cholesterol. I have osteopoenia so am on calcium to reduce effects of Lansoprozole. The cocktail of drugs certainly makes me very fatigued!!
I am wondering whether anyone else has has similar experiences? I am grateful that the hospital consultants are being cautious (I'm locked in a web of rheumatologist/neurologist/opthalmologist and willing but confused (as I am!!) GP and feel I have to make the decisions myself as all claim not to be an expert. I know medicine is not an exact science and everyone is different but the overall side effects of the drugs is of concern as is the worry about what next!!
All views/ experiences welcome.