I used to read a lot and write a bit on this site. It started in lte 2017 after I contracted GCA and lost the sight in my right eye - my favourite eye. I learned a lot from everyone on here, but especially from the leading ladies on this site. This helped a lot in managing the various medics that I met along the way, and the various drugs that I had to contend with. I navigated the onset of prednisolone-induced diabetes and osteoporosis, and the resulltant three compression fractures of the spine that resulted from that. Last Summer I faded away from this site since I felt that I had reached some kind of plateau.
Now I have reached another watershed, and I am unsure how to proceed. I am now on an extremely low dose of prednisolone (1mg after starting at 60mg). - and I fear for the future. People on here have said that GCA can persist for about six years, whereas my rheumatologist says that I should reach zero prednisolone at the end of two years. I want to believe her since these drugs have done me a lot of harm, but I dread the reappearance of GCA symptoms and the loss of my second eye.
I feel like some old hound dog that's been washed-up on the beach of a desert island. Behind me is the roaring sea, and I didn't like that. Ahead of me are thick trees with lions and gorillas in there - and I don't like that either.
What shall I do?