Quick one - I think. My neighbour, who helps me during these back issues, just got a Covid booster and Flu vax yesterday. Is it possible for her to transmit the virus to me? Is "immune compromised" the correct term for us PMR folk? Am I being paranoid? TIA

"Am I being paranoid?" - short answer, yes!!! Calm down.
Neither of the vaccines is live so cannot result in infection in the person vaccinated never mind any contacts. They develop the immunity to something in the structure of the virus that has been replicated in the lab.
Only small children get a live flu vaccine - the nasal spray version. It isn;t used for adults. No live Covid vaccines are used in the west.
Thanks Pro. Wasn't sure if it was live or not. As one who also lives alone, I find I've become paranoid since PMR and I would have absolutely hated to turn down the help - or even the company.
The only people who might get live flu vaccine in NS are children. All the other vaccines, including anti-covid offered to children, are not live vaccines so cannot cause or transmit disease. So unless you have small children visiting, in which case you should ask about their status, no worries!
Thanks Heron. That's very reassuring. No kids coming so all's clear.🌹
That's why I was able to get a shingles vax, because Zostavax (now discontinued) was a live vaccine, but Shingrix is not. They do recommend that we avoid live vaccines where possible, although as Sharitone suggests individuals will differ. In general I think all we oldsters should avoid live vaccines when we can but there may be some we have no choice about, e.g. when getting some for travel to certain places. I think the vax against yellow fever is live, for example.
As far as being immuno-compromised is concerned, in the UK it depends on your medication, rather then having PMR. You need to be on at least moderate doses of pred, long-term, or DMARDs, or a biologic to be considered i-c.
I thought being immuno compromised only applied to those on pretty high levels of pred? Once I was below 10mg I was told that I wasn’t immuno compromised. Hope that was correct! It was a Dr who told me, just not MY Dr!! Same applies to being vulnerable??? PMR Pro will be along to comment, & I’d like to know, as I read a lot of posts where people appear to me to think they are I-c or highly vulnerable because of PMR, not due to pred level. Over to you, Pro & DL!! S x
Think it depends who you speak to - after all, having an autoimmune disorder does mean you have a deranged immune system! If I remember rightly, Missus835 was on 20mg 3 weeks ago, and even coming off Sick Day Rules was still in the mid-teens of pred dose. That qualifies you as compromised I think.
You are so right Pro. Too late though. My wonderful neighbour was in yesterday, brought me a banana and yogurt for lunch, took my laundry to the laundromat. She is a great friend. My gawd woman you have an excellent memory. Thanks for your response Pro.🪷
Oh, yes, I always think of 20mg being in that category, I was surprised that 10mg was felt to be quite OK! Then presumably the medics says that the less you take then the less you are immuno compromised! Seems a sweeping statement to me, & only takes the pred intake into account & not the person. See Sharitone’s comment above! Thanks, S x