Hi all. Feeling very sore and emotional. Neck, shoulders backs of arms. Should I have upped the Pred again per the SDR? Getting a lot of UTIs it seems. Isn't there something we mention in the forum that helps prevent these? Just got off the Sick Days post surgery. On quite strong antibiotic and it's wreaking havoc with the belly. This one didn't bother me before but it is a much stronger dose. TIA

Most recommendations on here seem to be D-Mannose -
Quick look and you can buy in Canada - usual online stores….
This is what the NHS says nhs.uk/conditions/urinary-t... which may help. I hate taking anti-biotics as I always feel I am murdering my gut flora!!
Me too piglette. Thanks for that link. 🌷
To help maintain and recover your gut microbiome get some Cultured Coconut (fyi available at Obees, Alderney, Honey & Ginger and Sobeys - refrigerated cabinet in supplements area of Wyse Rd store, for example). Got this advice a few years ago and we now take a spoonful every day, and if on antibiotics twice a day between antibiotic doses (as far from the antibiotic as possible). Introduce it slowly - a teaspoon at first, gradually increasing to tablespoon over three or four days.
Thank you Heron. I'll have to get some when the storm passes by. Doses are every 12 hours so should be fairly easy to space them out.
I had to take a week of amoxicillin as infection preventative when I had the dental implant and took cultured coconut a couple of times a day instead of once, and had absolutely no effects from the antibiotic at all. Also hubby was coincidentally on a different antibiotic for some other completely different condition and we were on different schedules, I had to take mine 3Xday and his was 2Xday so it was fun keeping ourselves sorted out, especially as I often had to remember for him as well as myself.
If Sobeys is open today, I'm going to get some. My stomach is having issues without added irritants. I've lost 20 lbs. Due to spasmed muscles across stomach and diaphragm, I can only eat about half of anything. These muscles are overworked trying to keep my spine erect. I have an appetite, but no room.
Suffered UTIs for years due to or caused cystitis cystica. Microscopic haematuria which has GP concerned but also had that intermittently for years. Now prescribed Trimethroprim once a day for 3 months (the others make me sick) and all the niggles have gone. Long may it last xx
I do feel for you. I have just finished a course of amoxicillin after trimethoprim failed to get on top of a UTI. I’m not even sure this has worked as my bladder area still feels hot and uncomfortable. 5 days at 10mg has made me feel a lot better but I need to get back to 6mg again if my body will let me. Nettle tea is good if you can get hold of some.
Feeling ghastly aren't we. Thinking of bumping up tonight. Still on amoxiclav for another few days. I have no fever or chills which would accompany an infection? Instead of putting me on an antibiotic every time my white count is up, which Pred can cause, I wish they would find out what the actual infection is or what's causing it. Positive vibes!🪷
I ve had bladder issues over a year.I had two cytoscopys which showed two erosions.The urologist took 2 biopsies.Scared me but lucky they were benign.The dr came in the room and said they ve all discussed my case and said prednisone has caused it.I still get UTIs and frequent urination.I gotta say it has affected my quality of life.Hope yours clears up💕
D’Mannose is wonderful but does upset my stomach. I’m taking a daily antibiotic for UTI’s but still getting repeated infections. The bacteria is always E. coli and Entereccocus , the doctor said it’s all coming from the bowel, my hygiene is exemplary, I even wonder if it travels down inside our bodies as the bacteria is in other areas too . The delights of PMR and Pred , awful pinching when going to the loo . How distant the memories of being normal regarding our bodily functions and taking them for granted. Trying to get the gut microbiome back to normal is half the battle missus . Feel better soon x
It was recommended by HeronNS to try a drink called "The Cultured Coconut" which may be available only in Canada. Try a health food store. She uses when on antibiotics and daily to maintain the microbiome.
I got rid of one bacteria but I still have e-coli.Hard to get rid of.I learned when we handle meat and don't clean our nails or wash really well we can get it.Think I ll try to get better probiotics.
Hunter I couldn’t be any more hygienic and clean, I have a shower spray fitted next to my toilet .
My dietician believes the bacteria is travelling down through the body from the gut into the bladder internally . I’ve had utis repeatedly since having a complicated birth.
I’m buying the cultured coconut from Canada , they ship to the U.K. I need Amoxicillin for Enterococcus and Cephelexin for E. coli .
This all started again after Covid went in my gut in 2020, a week after recovering my daughter’s cute little puppy licked my face. My husband had a week of severe diarrhoea and cramps, mine stayed for a year , with the additional horrendous UTI’s .
I’m continuing with the Amoxicillin, but sometimes I don’t know what’s infection and what’s thrush , the symptoms are the same, from the antibiotics. Fingers crossed the kefir helps .
I had the same: on 10mgs Predfor RA, had UTI self diagnosed. Doc gave Amoxycillin 500s twice a day. I had such a bad stomach I only lasted 6 days, had to stop and take probiotics which sorted the diarrhoea- UTI subsided. Amoxycillin is the only antibiotic I can take with no rash so I’m worried now that my options are reduced.
I've a feeling I'm going to have to stop, take some probiotic and maybe start again..,not. Pharmacist said it should be cleared up in 2 to 3 days. Fingers crossed.