I’m on 4.5mg …. Just after Christmas (27th) I went down with a flu type virus, most of my family got it to a lesser or greater degree. Every person you speak to has had it. I am still suffering from an awful phlemy cough, sounds like I am smoking 60 fags a day …. When I had a flare in the summer I doubled my pred for about 10 days….. well I completely forgot to do it with this virus…. I didn’t think of it as an illness…just a cold…. Well it’s still lingering whereas everyone else in the family is better. Should I increase my pred now for a few days to knock it on the head or is it too late? Thank you
didn’t do “sick day “ rules….: I’m on 4.5mg …. Just... - PMRGCAuk
didn’t do “sick day “ rules….

I have no idea if SDRs work retrospecitively but I suppose it wouldn't harm. A virus with the horrendous cough has been circulating for months and it does seem to last a long time.
However - have you had your RSV vaccination? Who started with this infection in the family - was it children? It is possible you got a dose of that - there is a quadruple epidemic of flu (A and B), Covid, RSV and norovirus circulating, the hospitals are overwhelmed and the first 3 can all cause chest problems.
It might be worth speaking to your GP because if it was, it MAY have progressed to something worse like pneumonia or bronchiolitis.
Thank you. Don’t feel any more ill , just can’t seem to shake the cough off. No chest pain or temperature. I haven’t had the RSV jab, I don’t think I’m eligible. My 38 year old daughter was the first one to go down with it, none of the little grandchildren caught it. Just adults but they are all over it…
Yes - but some children you wouldn't know they had it. Sounds as if it is just being stubborn - have you tried inhaling? A friend here had a cough like that last year - was well over a month before it improved.
Need to be 75 and over for vaccine. But have you taken anything for cough, what is doing the rounds it seems to hang around for long time..
no I haven’t taken anything for the cough, I’m on amlodipine and most are a no no…., also avoided honey and lemon as I am pre diabetic range unless I cut out the sugar and carbs….
Ok -it’s a pain when you are on other meds… my late hubby could take this brand and he was on loads of heart meds -and diabetic - might be with looking at and asking pharmacist
Thank you, will have a look x
Always worth asking -mind it was a few years ago and some of the ingredients may have altered. If it’s okay let us know then we can store it away in the “good to know” file.. 😊
No RSV vaccine given if you are over 79! No wonder the wards are full. Would love to know why - do you know?
RSV for over 79s or wards full? For over 79s because the UK is a bit silly about vaccine roll-outs?
Wards full - lots and lots of poorly people accroding to the ED daughter. It is manic day and night she says (been doing a lot of nights). Mainly because people can't get to see their GP when only moderately ill and so they deteriorate ...
I read that people over 80 aren’t eligible because they don’t have enough data because it’s very difficult to get over 80’s to do the trials, but surely they are as vulnerable as 79 year olds. My husband is 80 and going through radiotherapy for prostrate cancer but he can’t get the vaccine…
That is NICE and some of their rather strange decisions based entirely on clinical trials and not in common sense. I think some of them are crazy!!
Ignore the following comment but am leaving it to make sense of the rest!!!! It isn't an INFECTIOUS vulnerable though - it is a return of an existing infection with chicken pox where the virus is dormant in nerves and reawaken for some unknown reason.
Thought RSV was an upper respiratory infection? Lots of young babies get it. Isn’t shingles related to chicken pox?
Oh sorry - what an idiot - me that is!!! I had just done a shingles reply and the brain stuck in gear!!!!
Quite right - and I suspect older people catch it from too close cuddles with their grandkids. Another of these things like Covid where the gubmint is oblivious to family dynamics and epidemiology so roles out vaccines without really thinking the dynamics through.
I agree the ridiculous eligibility of the shingles vax something like if you’re 67 you can have it, but if you’re 68 you have to wait until your 70th birthday!
I had a virus infection in September. The cough was very stubborn and took a good 6 weeks to clear up. The coughing bouts were violent and noisy. I had antibiotics but the virus had long gone by the time I took them. My GP decided to give me antibiotics as worried that I would get a bacterial infection too! I tried steam inhalation which worked for a short while afterwards. For me the best thing seemed to be antihistamines and cough lozenges.