Right side of tongue is sore. Opened mouth to examine (blisters). and found that my tongue is cracked all over! Ugh! Worse to me than black face hair, bruised legs, moon face and bison hump. Anybody else experience cracked tongue w steroids?
Cracked tongue. : Right side of tongue is sore... - PMRGCAuk
Cracked tongue.

I have experienced a very dry mouth and have been prescribed pastilles that ease it at night. What does your GP say?
Same here. I have been waking up in the night with a very dry mouth, I know I breathe through my mouth when I am asleep. Did your GP prescribe the pastilles?
I sleep w mouth open too. I am drinking more water but icky tongue
Sorry but your post made me laugh so much as that was my list of misery plus terrible cramp which magnesium is not really helping (prob giving me an upset stomach making me dehydrated). 😅 my language has got worse too!!
PMR-induced Tourettes - and it is PMR, not pred. I had it long before I went onto pred!
And please try to get the GP to check your calcium and potassium levels - also potential candidates for muscle cramps.
Maybe thrush? Yes to all the others. Facial hair is peach fuzz though the hair on my head is now more salt and pepper than the silver it was. Hair on my arms is ginger (never before) and quite a bit of it. I may have back hair, but I can't really see it. Armpit hair ha stopped growing for the mostpart. LOL.
Hi Merryfield, are you on methotrexate by any chance? I was diagnosed in 2015, been ups and downs with pred, and Rheumy put me on methotrexate to help weaning off pred. (BTW, I had every side effect there is to pred). I developed the sore mouth as you describe. I had huge cankers on my tongue, could hardly eat. Well, that’s one of the side effects of methotrexate. Once I was off, my mouth finally healed. I am down to 5mg of pred, which is where I have to stay, as when attempts to go lower causes a flare, then back up again! PMR changed my life drastically. I was healthy and very active, now, not. (PS, I am in US, also)
Hi, Cofab. Not on methotrexate. Steroids and diabetes meds. (and bp, statin, antidepressants). Glad your mouth has healed. Am trying a peroxide mouth wash for blisters. Doubt that it will help cracked tongue.
Hi again, one thing that soothed my large, painful blisters/cankers, was honey. It has healing properties. I had a script/mouth rinse from my DDS, which didn’t help. Good luck
Hi...I had issues with a canker for months that would not go away. I had tried OTC stuff then saw doc after that I was given 5 different treatments. I knew I needed an antibiotic...FINALLY the treatment that worked, a specially.made mouthwash with an antibiotic in it, worked. It helped my tongue some but it is still sore at times. I like spicy food which does irritate my tongue.....I.am hoping it will eventually go away. The.canker.sore was extremely painful...it would wake me up. Not just sore but throbbing pain. Very happy that is gone! Good luck..
I hope you can get something for it.