Just a flag up for the web designers. I am not sure if anyone else has been experiencing problems but trying to edit my PMR history is proving impossible - I just can't put text in the two line window - it seems to jump back and not connect. Difficult to explain. Which means it is rather a confused mess as I have attempted change it over the months (and years!).
Incredibly difficult to edit profile: Just a flag... - PMRGCAuk
Incredibly difficult to edit profile

afraid it no good telling us…we aren’t web designers - only users…
Contact the help centre - and please report it to them….bottom banner, right hand side…
This prompted me to check my profile, which after so many years has turned into an opus. No problems at all. But I'm using a laptop, and Chrome browser. Maybe with a phone or a different operating system or browser it would be different?
It might be the browser you are using. I changed browsers to Chrome and everything was fine. Frustrating for you.
yes I’ve had similar problems, took ages to write an update only for it to disappear entirely. I’ll try again when I can cope without swearing. 🤐
Might be silly statement- but you do need to save it..and very often easier on a PC/laptop than iPad/iPhone.
Thanks DL, I use an iPad for most things now. I find it so much easier to navigate. My laptop has been relegated to making greetings cards. I do appreciate your advice though. I’ll give it another shot. 😬 X
if you still have problems then please report to HU help centre - but only after you’ve had a look at this -
Seems to be working now! I have more space to edit. Weird. And emailing the web people was very helpful - they responded within 24 hours.