Here is a podcast or transcript of it that others may find useful in deciding what to spend their precious pennies on after an expert discusses large, long range studies. For those who have neither the time nor the brain today, it was a thumbs up to a multivitamin, vitamin D (not large doses!), omega 3 and above all else a decent diet preferably. Emphatic no to mega dosing.
Interesting discussion on supplements from ZOE - PMRGCAuk
Interesting discussion on supplements from ZOE

Thanks, did have a skip through it yesterday….well metaphorically 😉
Thanks, very useful. I have been taking a higher dose of vitamin D so will reduce it. Interesting about the efficacy of simple multivitamins, my problem is finding a version without added iron as I find it constipating. Must try and eat more fish for omega-3s!

Not lowering my vit D - there are specific cases where you need a bit more and her assessment of skin production is debateable. Pred degrades vit D in the body - I think you have to look at the blood level to decide. For some reason, mine falls without the supplement. And it isn't really due to lack of sun here!
I agree. I have to continue to take 4000 units daily or it lowers down to the minimum of acceptable range.
The osteoporosis specialist I went to said that the vit D production from sun falls in oldr people and at my age (70 then) there would be none. I asked him about it because I had dutifully had 10-15 min a day sun exposure (in Israel) over the summer prior to getting PMR...and when the level of D in my blood was measured it was way below the normal range. I was on a real health binge that year...and then PMR hit! That will teach me.
Exactly my point! I get so annoyed at the assertion that sun exposure and diet is all you need when there is next to none in most diets, everyone has been encouraged to use Factor lord knows how many and keep out of the sun from 11-3 - which is the time when the sun is high enough to make vit D in skin.
Agreed. I think it’s very individual and needs monitoring to see how one’s own regimen is doing. It’s persuading a GP to do a just in case check that’s my issue as they seem to only want to do it if you are showing symptoms of deficiency which are so vague and nonspecific anyway.
But it is possible to get a reasonably priced private test in the UK. I can have one as often as I like from the GP - but there is a co-pay. If I do it on its own, I have to pay for the blood being taken too so I always get it done as part of other routine stuff that I don't pay for. I appreciate in the current climate there are lots who would say they can't afford it and that it should be an NHS option but even so ...
Tell you what I don't understand - the complaints about Sunak going to a private GP! He was leaving an appointment for someone else! Entitlement to free care here is on the basis of income - GP and in-patient care is free anyway.
Thank you Snazzy, for the interesting article and for sharing your history......👍😀