Tapered to 1mg as of Sunday. Take medication in the PM.
At this dose these are my symptoms:
Swollen fingers
Stiffness (not specific to AM) to shoulders, back and thighs
Pain to the neck/trapezius
Symptoms responsive to NSAIDS, Tylenol and Celebrex.
At 1mg, no longer feel dizzy, light headed, nausea or fatigue. Did suffer at 2-7mg.
Currently following Rheumatologist and Endocrinologist's guidance to taper prednisone. I will admit I am responsible for dropping a mg per week. They suggest 1-2mg per week. I honestly am not getting relief with 1mg of prednisone, but did at 2-3mg. All imaging, MRI, CT and PET scan negative for PMR. CRP/ESR still slightly elevated. All other labs WNL. All current symptoms are similar to symptoms felt prior to prednisone at a lesser degree.
Is this simply 49yo osteoarthritis?