Kia ora. I’m keen to tap into the experience of others here about how tapering from high levels of Prednisone might be experienced in the body. I started 60mg Prednisone in early November 2024 for 4 weeks for GCA. At that point, I was given a textbook tapering schedule – 50mg for 2 wks, 40 mg 2wks, 30mg 2 weeks, 20mg 2 weeks, then some 2.5mg reductions to 10mg, and 1mg reductions down to zero.
Sounded all good – until I got started. Setting aside the various ASE’s that had popped up during the 4 weeks on 60mg, a whole new ballgame started on about Day 10 on 50mg. It felt like episodes of low blood sugar – weak and shaky, hollow feeling in stomach, blurry vision, fuzzy brain, hot flushes, bone wearying fatigue etc. (It turns out I had steroid induced diabetes so it was definitely NOT hypoglycaemia, it just felt like it). I even tried putting sugar in my tea and stuffing myself full of carbs (I’m usually on a KETO diet), but all to no avail.
It got way worse when I dropped to 40mg after that fortnight. I was pretty much horizontal from about 7am to 3pm – after which I started to feel more human. I was overseas (in Australia) and sought advice from a GP over there. She tested for all sorts of things and came to the conclusion that it must be some adverse reaction to reducing the dosage of Prednisone. She advised going back up to 50mg and holding until I got back to NZ and could get some home-based advice.
I definitely started to feel better once I’d gone back to 50mg. Absolutely nothing like my pre-Prednisone self, but I was functional again.
It has been a very muddled and frustrating journey since that time as the public system hasn’t been able to cater for my apparently outlier experiences. In order to get the best for my health I have now jumped ship to a private rheumatologist – thanking my lucky stars that I have the medical insurance and financial resources to do this.
The private rheumatologist said she hadn’t come across a patient quite like me (I’ve always seen myself as a special snowflake – now I have professional confirmation. ) I had been attributing the experience during that aborted taper as “Prednisone withdrawal symptoms”. She is of the view that this really isn’t a thing at such high dosages. This is much more likely at the lower levels when you are approaching levels of Prednisone that are closer to the levels your body is expecting, and would be produced if your HPA axis had come back from its overseas holiday,
Her view is that my experiences when tapering were most likely ASE’s from the high level of Prednisone that I was on.
But – why would things have improved when I went up to 50mg?
Is there such as thing as Prednisone Withdrawal Symptoms when you are on high doses?
While battling with the public system, I put myself on a much slower alternate day dosing regime (50mg one day, 45mg the next) and took about 2 months to get down to 40mg. (Was soundly scolded by nurses in the public system for this, but they had no reasonable alternative)
Not feeling great by any means, but I’m here. I’ve now taken a bold step and reduced to 35 mg this week. The rheumatologist also advised adding in Methotrexate as her view was that, given my experience so far, I was not going to get very far in tapering off the Prednisone without some support. I am now also on 20mg MTX as of this week.
And, to be completely clear, since the first week on 60mg Prednisone, I have had absolutely NO twinkle of any kind of recurrence of my original GCA symptoms. Not a hint. Zilch.
What are your thoughts about the symptoms that might kick in when doing a taper at those high levels? The internet has all sorts of ideas about this, but I’m really interested in hearing from people who have trodden that path.
Withdrawal symptoms – or just some more side effects of Prednisone?
Ngā mihi