Hello this is my first time posting on this site. I would like your opinions, in January after two severe attacks of gout only a couple of months apart my GP prescribed Prednisone 5mg which I’d never taken before( my pills for keeping gout away are Allopurnol and Colchicine when having an attack) I took the Prednisone for 28days then stopped. Roughly four to six weeks later I couldn’t move my legs when I got up at 0500hrs to go to work, the night before I was fine.
My GP suspects PMR and I am currently waiting for a referral when I eventually see the rheumatologist it will around three months from first starting with groin area and shoulder pain both sides. I have been taking Naproxen 750mg a day. Is it possible that starting the Prednisone then stopping suddenly provoked symptoms for PMR?