Hi all…..
I was diagnosed with PMR in June 2021 - I live in California by the way. My regular Dr. put me on Prednisone and it took nearly 5 months to find a Rheumatologist - I do not live in a big city and they are not easy to find.
I know that Prednisone wrecks havoc on tendons and such. In August 2021 I was having pain in my right shoulder. By December I was having pain in my left shoulder. Turns out both rotator cuffs were torn. Here is where the Catch 22 starts. My orthopedic surgeon wouldn’t operate on me because I was at 20 mg of Prednisone, and Prednisone inhibits healing, and my rheumatologist wouldn’t lower my Prednisone because of my inflammation makers.
Let’s fast forward to March. I was finally down to 5 mg of Prednisone so my right rotator cuff was surgically repaired. Unfortunately I had waited so long that the surgery failed - the tear was too big. Well the surgeon knew the left tear was bigger so rotator cuff surgery was out of the question for that side. On June 29, 2022, I had complete shoulder replacement on my left shoulder. On November 29, 2022 I will have complete shoulder replacement on my right shoulder. Thank you PMR and Prednisone!
Side note: while recovering from left shoulder replacement, my dr. inadvertently prescribed a large dosage of the antibiotic Clindamycin. About 6 weeks later I was in the emergency room with the most severe abdominal pains I have ever had. Turns out I had C. Diff, Colitis. Look it up. Horrible.
So, in 3 weeks I am going to Portugal and Spain for 2 1/2 weeks. My Prednisone will be down to 5 mg (recently raised due to inflammation markers but tapering down). I do not want to raise my Prednisone because I don’t want to put off the surgery for right shoulder replacement a week after my return. In your opinions, what do I do when traveling? AND, I normally take the medication between 8-9:00 A.M. Should I stick to that schedule meaning I take it between 4-5:00 P.M. or s I still take it around breakfast time?
Phew! Long story….but thank you if you read it to the end!