Oral Thrush following antibiotics.: I have never... - PMRGCAuk


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Oral Thrush following antibiotics.

SheffieldJane profile image
42 Replies

I have never had this before and there are a maze of treatments on line, also contraindications with Prednisalone and Blood Pressure meds. with the tablets beginning with F. Can anyone recommend a tried and trusted way to deal with this thing? Worried that it will spread with a suppressed immune system.

I imagine that Pro- Biotics would be good. Any recommendations here also?

Thanks x

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SheffieldJane profile image
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42 Replies
PMRpro profile image


Get yourself some cheap disposable toothbrushes and change them regularly to minimise reinfection.

Fluconazole tablets may increase the blood level of pred - that's all, nothing dangerous. Better than the risk of the pred making the fungal infection worse.

Clotrimazole should be OK. Pred may reduce the effectiveness of Nystatin. But since it is oral you can use topical preparations which don't then have systemic effects if you don't swallow them.

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply to PMRpro

And some home rememdies that may help:


SheffieldJane profile image
SheffieldJane in reply to PMRpro

You are a lovely angel. Xx

powerwalk profile image

I've used Daktarin oral gel for this in the past. I used to get I when I was on tons of antibiotics for UTI s. You can get it over the counter in the chemist. Failing that there's the prescription liquid one that is used for the mouth version of thrush. And then your home helps tha Pro has linked. Hope it clears quick for you. What a bloomin nuisance!! To say the least!

Koalajane profile image

Hope it clears up quickly

SheffieldJane profile image
SheffieldJane in reply to Koalajane

Thanks Jane. It’s surprisingly sore. 🫤

Koalajane profile image
Koalajane in reply to SheffieldJane

It will be because you are using it for eating, drinking, talking. I had an ulcer in my mouth a week ago and it was painful and oral thrush is far worse.

SheffieldJane profile image
SheffieldJane in reply to Koalajane

Ulcers are miserable.

autumnlass profile image
autumnlass in reply to SheffieldJane

Hope you’re feeling better soon. Cool drinks and an excuse for ice creams! I get cold sores - they’re horrid too.

Take Care. x

SheffieldJane profile image

Bless you thanks! Did that clear it? I’ve got so many stubborn infections like eyes, sinus and nose. I keep them at bay, but they never go. These little things will be my undoing I think. X

powerwalk profile image
powerwalk in reply to SheffieldJane

Jane if that question is for me, sorry didnt get a notification, but yes the Daktarin did clear it. I used to ask the gp then if i thought about it when gettin the antibiotic for a prescription for the liquid one just in case, i think its a bit stronger. Xx

SheffieldJane profile image
SheffieldJane in reply to powerwalk

I’ve got the gel lotion. I think the pattern on my tongue has changed yuk! Thank you.

powerwalk profile image
powerwalk in reply to SheffieldJane

😁 i know!! Xx

BethCH profile image

I usually get 2/3 oral thrush infections a year - I have asthma as well as GCA. This is despite a rigorous regime to wash mouth after using inhaled steroids. Not had an infection since GCA diagnosed in Feb though. The only things that work for me are fluconazole and/or nystatin. The nystatin is used to swill round the mouth then swallow. My thrush usually starts from the the tummy upwards so I always swallow nystatin. Usually clears up within 3 days and throat feels much better. Yoghurt eases the discomfort but will not get rid. Daktarin is ok but you need a lot (very small tube) and it is expensive. Check with pharmacist or GP before you take anything though. Hope this helps. We have enough to deal with as it is!

SheffieldJane profile image
SheffieldJane in reply to BethCH

This is very helpful. When you say it starts from the tummy upwards, can you explain please? I had no idea and it might explain some of my current symptoms that I have been putting down to diverticula disease, since I took Tocilizumab.

BethCH profile image
BethCH in reply to SheffieldJane

I am not a medical expert, just my experience. I have noticed that by the time it reaches the back of my throat, it is already down my oesophagus. I rarely see evidence of thrush in my mouth, always far at back of my throat. And of course the inhaled steroids go in my tummy despite using a spacer. I have been taking PPI and/or H2 blockers for some while (gastritis and duodenitis) - again ideal for candida growth. Before I knew about this, I used honey to ease my throat, big mistake - nothing it likes more than sugar! If you are wary about fluconazole then nystatin is good.

SheffieldJane profile image
SheffieldJane in reply to BethCH

Thank you BethCH. My gut is constantly burning slightly, I have a scratchy throat that seems narrowed, and used to get oesophageal spasms on higher doses of Pred. I am constantly seeking answers and boring everyone as a consequence. This would make sense though. I have recently started PPI and H2 blockers for diverticulitis. This is valuable extra information for me.

BethCH profile image
BethCH in reply to SheffieldJane

Hope it clears up for you. The first thing I notice is the feeling of a tight throat and scratchyness. After slight initial panic cos of the asthma, the non chimp side of my brain kicks in and says ‘just thrush you daft woman!’. Pharmacist is good at spotting it for me, then I can persuade GP to do a script without having to bother them much. Good luck🍀

SheffieldJane profile image
SheffieldJane in reply to BethCH

🙏 thank you!

dolphin39 profile image
dolphin39 in reply to BethCH

I had adult onset asthma but managed to cure it with a power breathe. Friends who have had asthma for longer have also used it and found that it has improved their condition

BethCH profile image
BethCH in reply to dolphin39

There are some great breathing exercises for asthma which improve it but unfortunately I have a genetic pre disposition to asthma. I have never smoked. Mum died from it and my siblings have late onset asthma too.(they were smokers) In blood tests, my allergy levels are way off the scale. It is controlled well by inhalers, so much better than 20 + years ago and a lot safer for those of us who have it now that smoking is banned most places. I have never been hospitalised because of it.

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply to dolphin39

My granddaughter went from bi weekly visits to A&E with brittle asthma to near normal - when she went vegan. Pain to cater for but far easier on the nerves ...

BethCH profile image
BethCH in reply to PMRpro

That must have been such a worry. I think that asthma which develops in childhood is often more serious and worrying than late onset. Very glad that my boys are safe, so far.

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply to BethCH

Terrifying when she was circling the drain on a regualr basis - her mother (a nurse) was convinced she'd be dead by now. Hasn't done either of them any menal health favours.

HeronNS profile image

Here's another Healthline article which might be of interest also:


SheffieldJane profile image
SheffieldJane in reply to HeronNS

This is a very clear and comprehensive article. I am grateful to you.

HeronNS profile image
HeronNS in reply to SheffieldJane

I really hope you feel better.

SheffieldJane profile image
SheffieldJane in reply to HeronNS

Thank you. I get too dismayed by another new symptom but then I do get on with it. X

SheffieldJane profile image

Thank you!

That’s so painful. Here’s a couple of home remedies for you; I find coconut oil is excellent stuff and my ‘go to’ for many issues with its anti fungal claims, it’s pleasant to take and won’t clash with any meds…I keep it in the fridge so it stays solid and take just half a teaspoonful as n when necessary. I often brush my teeth with it too as good for removing staining (I also brush my dogs’ teeth with it, but they have their own jar!). Our daily probiotic is homemade Kefir (Google for method). We’ve used it for years and it keeps our tummies is good order and deals with those type of health issues. Colloidal silver is another old remedy good to use as a mouth wash/ gargle for ulcers, sore throats and similar. Hopes this helps and you get relief soon x

SheffieldJane profile image
SheffieldJane in reply to

Brilliant! I am beginning to form a regime in my head. Of course we will be prone to conditions like Candidais/ Thrush with suppressed immunity. It has to be on-going. Thank you!

Pixix profile image

I use nystatin, find it helps well. I generally get it each time I have a chest infection & end up on heavy duty antibiotics. It’s nasty, but should go quite quickly…fingers crossed for you! S x

altywhite profile image

Hi Jane. My GP prescribes Miconazole oral gel (Daktarin) for me. I also have a steroid inhaler so double whammy. I find a couple of days of this and I'm clear. I always have a tube in, it's part of my rescue pack xx

SheffieldJane profile image
SheffieldJane in reply to altywhite

Thanks for this. I got some from the chemist and a shed load of probiotics in various forms. Everybody has been a massive help. It does need dealing with. It could spread with the steroids we have to take ( immunosuppressant).

altywhite profile image
altywhite in reply to SheffieldJane

I don't get it as often now I'm only on 5mg of pred, and I have a different inhaler which also may be helping. I have always been meticulous in mouth rinsing and teeth brushing after using it. Another thing...which is really basic but I find helps me...is upping my water intake. Probably no science behind it but hey ho!! Hope you're sorted soon xx

SheffieldJane profile image
SheffieldJane in reply to altywhite

I am always thirsty so I have water on the go all the time. I’ve changed my toothbrush head and got disposable brushes for the duration.Thanks again! X

Hunter134 profile image

I am dealing with the same issue.I was given too many antibiotics and have taken four bottles of Nystatin.Keeps going and coming back It's painful and for me hard to get rid of.Hope you have better luck.Let me know what worked for you!!

SheffieldJane profile image

Poor you. I got this from a 5 day dose of antibiotics. I have had more of them with this disease than in my life before. My tongue looks a little better but very red. It all gets very expensive.

Grammy80 profile image

Jane, you have lots of advice...hope you hit the cure and get better!!

SheffieldJane profile image
SheffieldJane in reply to Grammy80

Thank you dear Grammy. I feel like Peter Pan in a sword fight with all the pirates at present.

Grammy80 profile image
Grammy80 in reply to SheffieldJane

Obviously, they don't know who they are dealing with, Jane~!💕You'll straighten them out.

Cobalt2sister profile image

Twinkle bell is right there with you, Peter!!! Cheering you on. Keep your spirits up and wishing for you speedy recovery and fortitude. Hang in there! All the best to you...

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