i have just read in the newspaper that from November patients will be able to access test results and other information via the NHS app. NHS england will switch on automatic access to GP records on November 1st.There was a year long dlay in implementing this due to what are described in the article as safeguarding concerns.it states that this should help to free up phone lines for urgent calls. it will also help improve access to perosnal health information.
Access to test results on nhs app: i have just... - PMRGCAuk
Access to test results on nhs app

I am very skeptical about that. The NHS app is awful. Are they really going to sort it out by then?

Hopefully the GPs are fully onboard, otherwise it’s still going to be very hit & miss. From comments on here, some surgeries are very selective about the info they “allow” patients to view - and it would appear some aren’t geared up anyway.
But if it means less phone calls they might decide it’s worthwhile… let’s hope so.
If this works it will be enormously helpful to us to keep track of the tests we’ve had, the results we often don’t get. The progression of our diseases etc. being intelligent informed patients. I am afraid that this feels like an unattainable goal. Everything crossed that it works. It would be a massive shift for my surgery.
hopefully it will work out without too much difficulty with technological side . it is helpful see test results as you say. a
In theory my GP surgery, and I presume most others, only contact me if test results show a problem. But I just won't assume not hearing from them means all is OK - human error etc. So I always ask for the results of every test, which at times is very frustrating. I always get them in the end, but usually only after convincing the GP receptionist that they really do have them or that I really am entitled to them. As you say, it will be interesting to see whether GPs are making effective use of the app in November.
I have access to my Blood Tests Results already both on the NHS App & at the Surgery - that was authorised as l am on MTX & when l went back on it my Liver Levels needed to be watched carefully…..
However, l can’t see any other Test Results.
I think you can see any X-rays taken after March 2022 now. None of mine were recent so I can't test it.
I’ll have a look - l could see when they were taken but not the Results…..
I hope they’ve thought this through as people will be able to read Results - Good or Bad…
I don't think that they should post worrying test results without speaking to patients first. It could have a terrible impact on patients.
Hopefully the Results will be Coded tostop this from happening…..
I think that why the GP had to agree what each patient can see depending on their state of health/mind-or at least when surgeries first started with the online Apps it was..:. But that takes effort -so probably doesn’t apply any more…and probably why a lot of discussion has gone on. As MrsNails says may cause issues
My surgery has obviously decided that I am too fragile to see anything. Not a single CRP result.
Were your blood tests authorised by your rheumy? If so, like me the results won't be on the app, even if the tests were done at the GP surgery. Apparently for reasons my little brain can't fathom, only tests requested by a GP will show on the app. My recent CT scan which was authorised by a local A&E consultant is also not on the app. But if your tests were authorised by your GP, there is hope all will be revealed on the app after November, if not before. Of course I'm assuming all GP surgeries work like mine, but who knows.
Me too! I can access all test results, see my medication and order repeat prescriptions on NHS app and thankfully, not experienced any problems...yet!
Ditto Kendrew, that’s the same as mine.
What I do miss, is seeing consultants’ letters. We used to be able to read those, which gave a context, but that’s been disabled on the site for years now 🤷♀️
I've always asked any specialist I've seen to send me a copy of their letter too. So far so good.
You should be able to demand to be cc'd. I like our system - written there and then, printed and pressed in your hand before you leave! So you can protest if it doesn't resemble what you have just experienced!
Oh that’s great! I only once achieved that, when I went to A&E with what turned out to be GCA last year. I managed to convince them I needed the details, and sat next to the admin lady while she typed out the letter. It was done as a special favour…..
Our doctors type their own!!!!
Good for them 😊
The logjam in admin probably explains some of the delays here…
Don't get the "this pleasant lady"tripe - it is a sort of pro forma layout and includes a list of previous history - so they shouldn't repeat that but one Italian woman writes War and Peace much to my GP's disgust! And what happened in THIS appointment is the central theme. Usually fairly good. I do have my issues with one female in medicine though - she is a useless doctor too and arrogant with it.
Now that’s a good idea. Most of my letters are of the “this pleasant lady” type with plenty of background and you have to search through to find this appointment. Your proforma style sounds excellent 😎
My GP likes it too - for exactly that reason! So this dratted Italian woman isn't popular. I had a UTI so rang to ask for advice as I'm on tocilizumab. Traipsed in there with a urine sampe to get the referral to the lab and took it up there. Next day she rings me to tell me I need to do that all over again for a culture - she'd only requested a dip test - which I had already done, why I asked them for advice. It takes the best part of 2 hours to do all that - oh, she'd let me take it to another lab. What "other lab", this IS our lab, we aren't in Milan with umpteen hospitals!! So she was trying to explain to me that a culture was different - I know that you nitwit, better than you probably, I worked in the labs, I did get a bit short - her German was just about good enough to say what she wanted to - but not to understand my reply. It was like talking to a chatbot that regurgitates copy and paste replies! I did eventually get what I wanted - a script for an antibiotic - sent to my burner phone as a number to give the pharmacist!! It was enough, But she wanted to tell me her life history ...
What a palaver!! 🥺 Glad you got the script eventually x
“Talking to a chatbot “ only too true! 😵💫
My lovely Rheumy never fails to send me and GP identical letters...
Good to hear, Longtimer 👍 See reply above, ifiget a copy, it usually takes a couple of months to arrive….
Mine does too but it takes a very long time to get them.
Have waited a fortnight the longest....recently got DEXA results....and c ortisol.....also with what we decided in our discus sion....had VitD test, so now waiting for appointment to have Zelondronic acid infusion....cannot put if off any longer...spine result worsened by 10%.....but I'm grateful to have it all sent to me...even though not good news!....
Mine does too - maybe we share the same "lovely Rheumy"!
Think you are in a different area......but yes mine is lovely to talk to.....I don't dread him I ringing that's for sure.....
Yes - just seen where you are in another reply! I'm in West Yorks and saw mine face-to-face only yesterday. PMRpro obviously knows who both of our Rheumies are!!
Good to hear. It’s so hit and miss. I can get blood results done at the GPs but not at the hospital. I can’t get consultant letters or imaging reports. My gP surgery says they don’t know why because they have linked it all up. They will print out anything I ask for but it’s such a waste of time and paper.
Same here. GP surgery confirmed today the app won't show blood test results authorised by my rheumy, only those requested by a GP, even though all results are on the same GP's computer system. I've rung them many times about this as it seems illogical, but I just get odd excuses. You'd think it would be in their interest to reduce phone calls from patients asking for test results. Like you, I'll just have to continue to pop round to the surgery and ask for a print out. A recent CT scan in July, which was normal, also doesn't show up on the app, but that is more understandable - although the date of the scan should at least show. Perhaps as use of the app becomes more standard, access will improve and be more consistent.
Not had any problems with mine yet, I seem to get all information and results via Patient Access and/or the NHS app. I did have to sign papers at the doctors to say I was happy to authorise this and to accept that the information /results might not always be good news.