Thought this article may be of interest. Things seem a lot better than a lot of us are saying!
Best and worst places for GP services in England - PMRGCAuk
Best and worst places for GP services in England
850 isn't many from a total of over 6,000 ...
My city isn't there...
Either your GPs are perfect or they have all decided to retire!
My practice received their CQC report 2 weeks ago …. Outcome Requires Improvement.Patients reviews online make shocking reading. I haven’t seen a GP for over 3 years, I get offered a Pharmacist, a Nurse, or a student. I’ve looked around my area for another practice but sadly the others are not much better. Thank goodness I have a good Rheumatologist, who I see/speak with annually.
My sister's practise not too far from me is in special measures for failing to send a patient's blood test through....the patient a young girl had sepsis!........shocking, I tell my sister with RA keep ringing them to check everything....
My local surgery diagnosed someone recently with osteoporosis and sent them to a physio. It turned out he had bone cancer, he had been complaining like mad about the pain and they just poo poohed it. He has now died.
Shocking.....why no dexa scan!...hope someone queries it big time!.....too easy to chuck painkillers at us....
It is not the first time. Last year a friend was told she had cancer and they had muddled up her name with someone with a similar name. They told someone they had flu and it was meningitis. She died and she was quite young. One of the doctors is called Dr Death.
Dr De'ath one hopes - or is it nominative determinism?
Only know my GP still around as I see him driving past in his wizzy sports car. He has misdiagnosed me on 2 consecutive occasions (via Receptionist). Have told my son not to get GP to pronounce me dead 'cos he'll probably get that wrong too.
The last
Did you see “this is going to hurt” on TV? The over worked registrar in his beaten up car and the consultant in his pale grey suite driving along in his sleek Aston Martin!
Strangely enough, the two consultants I've had to see due to my GP's misdiagnoses (one via NHS and the other a private consultant) were lovely! And clearly knew what they were doing. Which made a pleasant change ...........
Mines not there, but had no problems at all so far, actually been pretty impressed with them and the two trips I've had to make to hospital consultants and their departments.