Hello friends !
Long post, hope it’s of use to someone…!
Since early April I’d been intending to write an update on my progress at my 6-months-on -TCZ- point . There had been a request on the forum here for info at that time, and I’d reached zero Pred point, on my rheumatologists scarily fast taper, a week or so earlier. However, before the ink was decently dry on my glowing report I had a quick fall- from-grace ( “I was pushed, yer honour!”) into the usual Flare-up punishment-room.
Heres a brief catch-up, profile gives more details up to this point.
Diagnosis GCA , Oct 2020.- see profile for management and treatment up to TCZ being offered -
Started TCZ Nov 2021, on 20 mg Pred., (having reduced from 40. Had previously got to 8 ( from 60 ) and flared, so qualified for TCZ after a temporal biopsy in July’21)
Rheumatologist’s Taper.:- After 3 weeks at 20mg and with TCZ, tapered by 1mg weekly to 15mg, then a 5mg drop to 10 mg, for 2 weeks, then 1 mg drop weekly to zero. Bloods tested and judged to be within ‘normal range’.
During the last 8 weeks of the taper to zero I had increasing - but not unbearable - pain and stiffness in my neck and shoulders. I took my ‘final’ ( Spoiler - ha ha!) 1mg Pred on 1st April. Fools rush in….,,
Within 2weeks of zero-Pred I was becoming severely hampered by stiffness and pain in shoulders, arms and intense pain in my pelvis. I could barely rise from a chair, and when I did it took minutes to ‘straighten up and get going’. Getting out of bed was getting complicated, and as for getting out of a bath, or up from a kneeling position - no way. I could still walk once I got going - I normally walk at least 5 km a day - but I had to go slowly, and hills and stairs were out. The worst pain was in my groin, really severe, radiating down both thighs to knees.( I’m assuming the femoral artery is affected? ) Neither paracetamol or Ibuprofen made any noticeable difference.
So, I wrote to the rheumatologist describing this, suggesting I return to taking Pred at 5mg ( where I last felt ok ) and do a much slower taper.
His reply was a daily prescription for 1000 mg Naproxen, Lansopraz ole 15 mg, (a proton-pump inhibitor) , and 2 huge boxes of 500 mg Paracetamol to take ‘as necessary’ (Despite my writing that they had no effect!)
And a later reply that he was sorry I was experiencing ‘a few aches ‘!!!!
A Few aches!!! I was spitting feathers on reading that!Doesn’t pay to be stoic and politely underplay, does it!!
But I did try the Naproxen. Negligible effect on the stiffness and pain, perhaps just about took a little edge off, for I tried it out for 3 weeks - then I broke.
I had some pred, and, dear reader, I took ‘em.!
10mg, daily, x 3 days so far - and oh the relief ! Will now reduce to 5 mg in a week or so, and if ok, will taper very very slowly. I asked for a repeat Pred prescription online from GP surgery and it was fulfilled yesterday, so I have the means to do this.
Still have 5 months TCZ to go.
I’m thinking that the TCZ is helping (possibly a lot) with the GCA, but that I now have PMR, or some other LVV condition that requires the Pred - obviously, finding the lowest possible ‘sweet-spot’ is my aim.
Has anyone else had experience with Naproxen?
It seems bonkers to me that this whole cocktail of Naproxen, Lansoprazole and paracetamol is preferable -to the rheumy - to a sub-5mg dose of Pred.
But there we are.
Best wishes to all, I read here daily, and I’m thankful for ye! x