Hello all
Hope you are all keeping as well as possible.
I'm hoping someone will be able to give me advice here. I started on 10 mg pred and 15mg MTX in February, and was on that dose for five weeks. My ESR went from 75 to 22 in that time, and my CRP from 40 to "normal", and I had about 80% improvement in pain and stiffness.
Two weeks ago my GP told me to reduce the pred to 5mg - he is very keen for me to get off it, due to a medical problem about 10 years ago. On 5mg I have had quite a bit of pain, though not as much as pre-diagnosis, and not every day. I have persisted on 5mg, hoping that my body will adjust.
Tomorrow I have a telephone appointment with the GP and I suspect, from previous conversations, that he is going to tell me to stop the pred completely. I am a bit concerned about this as it is clearly not the DSNS taper, but should it be "do-able" as I have only been on the pred for seven weeks?
Also I am concerned about the pain and stiffness worsening, so I am thinking of asking him for some 2.5 and 1 mg so I have some leeway. I have no spare pred at all so cannot at the moment arrange a taper myself without another prescription.
I'd really appreciate some thoughts from you experts!