Hi, I am due my 4th Covid jab tomorrow which I had no problem with whatsoever until yesterday when I started to hear some rather worrying comments such as it’s too early to have yet as should be at least 4 months between 3rd & 4th mine will be 3 months but now I have heard that all these vaccines make our immunity even lower. I have PMR/ GCA diagnosed June 2019 .Currently on 3mg Pred and having occasional headaches.Has anyone else had 4th dose ? I would very much appreciate anyones views.
4th Covid Vaccine : Hi, I am due my 4th Covid jab... - PMRGCAuk
4th Covid Vaccine

I have had my 4th dose and happy to follow guidance that recommended 3 months after my 3rd jab
Thanks for response, may I ask what vaccine you were given ? As my first two were AstraZeneca with which I was really rough with both times but my 3rd was Phizer with which I had no problem whatsoever.
It seems that just Pfizer and Moderna are being offered at the moment.
All 4 have been Pfizer. I took my letter to a drop in vaccination centre. It opened at 9.30 and I went just after 10 and was the 4th to have the 4th jab that morning
I get my 4th Vaccine this afternoon,first 2 were Astrazenica 3rd was Moderna had no problems at all.xx
I've had no 4 Pfizer. Astra Zeneca is not offered as a booster.
🙏 That’s great news.🙂In fact I have just come back from my doctors, my appointment cancelled due to new government guidelines only this morning, you cannot now have until after 91 days , I am on day 88 😂
What that is all about I do not know.
They are re booking me.
So they wasted time and effort on everyone's part for the sake of THREE days?
Exactly, absolutely crazy, they had apparently been ringing me 1 hour beforehand but I missed call.Yes I was actually in the surgery 😟
I must admit I was surprised at how quiet it was in surgery and so easy to park, obviously due to all the cancellations.Just my luck three days short 😂
The UK concept of chucking the baby out with the bathwater never ceases to amaze me! You cannot change the rules with only a short notice period without ending up with silliness, Should have had a + x days rule. But that would require forethought ...
It’s always been 91days - they turned people away at the Walk In Centre who were close - there was actually a Sign with the eligibility date on it…….
I just saw on a Scottish NHS site that it is 3 months/12 weeks - and when I was in school, 12 weeks was 84 days ...

The opinion I have heard is that healthy people probably don't yet need a 4th jab - but that it should be offered to anyone considered vulnerable. For those of you in the UK who had been classed as vulnerable, the 3rd dose was completing the primary course of vaccination, taking you to the same status as healthy people after 2 jabs. Israel are saying anyone should have the 4th jab.
Thank you for your much valued opinion, I shall be going ahead as planned.
Hi hi I have had 4th Jan last Sunday always had phoned with no problems. When I arrived they said I was going to have the moderna and I wanted to keep to the same vaccination I had had in the past and they changed it to the Pfizer with no problems. Don't worry go ahead let's all keep safe.
Many people are waiting for this omicron vaccine. So they are delaying the 4th jab and just being very cautious.
PMRpro Here in Scotland, it all boils down to the 3rd vaccine. If that was a booster, then at the moment, there is no requirement for another booster. If your third jab was a 3rd primary (not a booster), then you should have a 4th (booster) jab after 3 months.
Incidentally, the difference between a primary and a booster jab is the quantity of vaccine administered. Boosters are about half the quantity of a primary,
according to the nurse who did my booster.
For the record - Primary 1 & 2 were AstraZeneca, 3 was Pfizer and 4 was Moderna. I should be well covered!
" Boosters are about half the quantity of a primary,"Not necessarily, it depends on which vaccine was used for the 3rd/booster jab. Usually it is only Moderna where the dose is less but it should NOT be less for anyone classed as immunocompromised.
Yes, you're quite correct PMRpro, my bad. Moderna is the preferred booster here and because I had the 3rd primary, a standard half dose is considered sufficient at the moment. There is a good chance that another booster will be required in due course.
I had my 4th vaccination a week ago and I'm fine - just a sore arm for a few days. My first 2 were AZ, with which I was OK. My 3rd and 4th have been Pfizer. I had the 4th 3 months and 6 days after my 3rd! The Pharmacist and vaccinator carefully checked everything, as I was their first person to have a 4th dose! Hope you get on alright with yours.
I had my fourth exactly 3 months after the third on Wednesday last. All Pfizer. With the first three I just had an achy arm. With the fourth I had the achy arm again but felt shabby and very tired in the afternoon and the next day. But today, Saturday, I feel much better fingers crossed. I hadn’t read about it making our immunity lower so went ahead as I thought it did the opposite.
I’m so glad you are feeling much better now.I thought the same as you that it made your immunity higher to fight the infection not made it lower😕
It’s very confusing !!
I have mine booked for this afternoon so will be going albeit very dubiously.😞
Had my fourth jab on Thursday, just over 3 months after the third. all have been Pfizer. Very sore arm, due I think to badly performed injection, and the following day I felt wretched (just like onset of PMR all over again). However this morning I am up and about and feeling fine. All worth it! Go for it.
My GP said the latest advice was that the 4th jab was only for the extremely clinically vulnerable and therefore not for me. I’m on 9mg pred but much higher doses when I had my previous jabs. I’m going to try and get a second opinion from the hospital.
If you were on 10mgs. or more when you had your previous jabs you are entitled to have a 4th. Ask your go to read the guidelines.
My GP said the same…I don’t need it & it’s primarily for clinical extremely vulnerable people with cancer, those on some chemo doses & certain cancers, like blood cancer. I’m only on 5mg. He may be correct? Not all of us need it & we aren’t vulnerable to the extent that cancer patients are, or people with other diseases. I’d be very interested to know what the hospital say, any chance you could send me a PM,please? I’ve always trusted my doctor, he’s been very helpful in past years, a good diagnostician, & a very nice human being, too! But I’m interested in who from this group are getting the 4th, & what dose of pred they are taking! I’m happy enough, I think there will be another jab along in time & that may be better…who knows! Thanks in advance!
Will email nurses on Monday and if I get a response I’ll let you know. Last time I asked a question there was no reply!
Thanks, & yes, I appreciate you may not get a.n immediate answer,..or maybe get an answer! I’ve only seeN a rheumy once & we didn’t discuss PMR as I thought, but I’d been reFerred for inflammatory arthritis! She said she would see me in 9 months…would have been October…I’m not holding my breath, but I’ve not much to ask her!!
I went along for my 4th jab today I am on 3mg but although appointment was booked I was told it had to be re booked as it was only 88 days since my last one and it needed to be 91 😂😂
Presumably you think you need it even if you’re only in 3mg. Unless you have other medical conditions some would say you're no longer CEV, I believe !
So don’t you think then that I need to have 4th jab ? I just go by Rheumy and doctors advice, appointments are just made for me via surgery.I have GCA/ PMR diagnosed June 2019.
Oh, sorry, it’s not for me to say, that’s for sure! My doctor told me I didn’t need one at 5mg per day, that’s all. I was quite disappointed, but we are still shielding here, & who knows what may come along next! I’m trying to see if any others get the jab who are on 5mg or less without any other tablets or condition that make them vulnerable. One person had the jab who is only on 3mg with no other conditions or drugs. Im just interested to see if my gp is correct. It’s your decision whether to take the jab, or not. We aren’t going anywhere right now & don’t have plans so I’d rather get one mid spring when we will start travelling again, in our motorhome! It’s a lottery & nobody seems to truly say if People who solely have polymyalgia and are under 10mg a day are actually vulnerable, let alone CEV!
I was told I didn’t need it by the Rheumatologist when I asked her a couple of weeks ago. Then the nurse range me yesterday to say they had looked again at the guidelines and they apparently state that anyone taking steroid medication should be offered a fourth vaccination. She is therefore sending me a letter to take to the vaccination centre. I am on 5mg of prednisolone, just about to slowly reduce by .5mg.
Thanks! Thanks, that’s very interesting, shame we can’t get hold of their guidelines. I did quote JCVI to my GP, but he didn’t budge on it! If I remember I think those went back to what dose you were in at the first jab…my doctor said let’s not look back, we should look at the future.
"my doctor said let’s not look back, we should look at the future"
While there are places that that is a very good maxim - I venture to suggest this isn't one!
I don’t know. See my response to Jeze re timing. If I get one now, while I’m shielding anyway, due to lung issues, is that the best? Or would I be better off getting one mid Spring when we’d like to get out & about. Who knows how long these will continue to get offered? How long is a piece of string? So many grey lines in Covid, not surprising seeing as a global pandemic doesn’t come along often!!!!! Who can say who is right? No real hard & fast guidelines, I think, except for people who are clearly CEV, like blood cancer patients, or those undergoing chemo of certain types. S x
Hi PixixHere is the part of the letter sent to me by the rheumatologist, to enable me to get my booster (4th dose), with an explanation why it should be given to me.
I had my booster yesterday using this letter at the walk in centre.
I am feeling a bit ‘wiped out’, with a very sore arm and didn’t sleep hardly at all last night but hopefully I will feel better soon.
I hope this helps you get yours, let me know if you need anymore info.
Sorry Pixix, (earlier reply,)I tried to attach the letter, it just disappeared when I sent it, do you know how I might get it to you
You can't send it as a file I don't think - but you could attach it as an image.
If you use the private messaging feature you can exchange email addresses - click on Pixix name and you will get an option to Message her - the profile page comes up, Message is in a box at the top right
Thanks, you are very kind. I will share my email with you by private chat/message, if you are happy with that…it will make it easier for you, I think, & I don’t want to make it complicated for you! Thanks, S x
The nurse is sending me the government guidelines with the letter to take to the vaccine centre (not received yet, has probably been sent by pigeon!) When I get it I will copy and paste to here.
The Guidelines are in the Covid Section of FAQ’s since they were published.
Unless I am looking at the wrong guidelines in FAQ (I don’t find things easy to find in this section I’m afraid) there is no mention of steroids specifically or indeed dosage. The nurse who spoke to me last week, said she has done some research and found further guidelines relating to these and is going to send them with a letter to take to,the vaccine centre, to enable me to get my booster.
Unless I am looking at the wrong guidelines in FAQ (I don’t find things easy to find in this section I’m afraid) there is no mention of steroids specifically or indeed dosage.
I’m sure if anything had been published to the wider world regarding steroids and dosage, it would be listed in the FAQs . Can’t recall dosages etc mentioned since the first advice came out on shielding… from nhs anyway.
See link for previous info - rheumatology.org.uk/Portals...
So if your nurse has found something please let MrsNails know.
Just as an aside - why is the FAQ section difficult for you to negotiate?
I can’t find FAQ, I just put whatever I want to know about into the search.
Agree search engine is rubbish - usually- and that’s HU wide… that’s one of the reasons the FAQs were designed (specifically for this forum) and a lot of work has gone into creating them…by PMRpro Fran_Benson ,myself, but particularly by MrsNails
FAQs linked - but they are a Pinned post and usually as a banner under first post on page -
They will probably be from the BRS which we have shared in the past. The important thing is what dose were you on when you had your first two Vaccinations & wether you were Shielded in Lockdown.
I wasn’t shielding during the first lockdown because I wasn’t suffering from PMR then. The nurse telephoned me last week and told me that I was eligible for my fourth vaccine because I was on steroid medication. I asked if the dose mattered and she said “no just the fact that you are on steroids”. So I asked her to clarify this writing when she wrote the letter for the vaccination centre. She said she would send me that actual section from the guidelines and I am awaiting that letter. I will post on here when I get it.
Hi Predsharer. If you have a spare minute or two, would you mind sharing the section from the guidelines/letter with me, too?
I see that it is difficult to post it in the forum so I would happy to send you my email address for a PM - if you are happy to do that. Many thanks in advance.
I appreciate that, Mrs N, thank you, but I’m thinking maybe different people are following different guidelines, or producing their own, maybe! That’s why I’m interested in seeing what Predsharer gets hold of. I’d like to see if the two are the same. If not, it may show us why some are getting it easily, some not & some told they are not eligible. Just my thoughts. Im interested as I’m told I can’t have one! Thanks, S x
My 91 days were up last week. I phoned surgery, who said they would find out and come back to me, but didn't. So I followed the advice online nhs.uk/conditions/coronavir... I still had my third dose letter, so I just took it to the the nearest drop-in, and they accepted it without any problem. Still haven't had any letter though.
Our surgery does/handles all of ours, we went to the local cathedral for first two then to our surgery for the third. So we don’t have any letters at all…guess I could use my third vaccination dose certificate, but I don’t really want to go against my doctor’s advice, tbh. He’s one of the good guys & it would go on my surgery records, so definitely anger him. I will await anything else Predsharer finds & show that to him if I want to. To be honest, I don’t know that he’s wrong, do I? He may be correct, I don’t need one! I’d rather wait, something new & better could come along in a couple of months, & I’d rather have that, I reckon! Thanks very much for your info. We live in a village where the surgery is always available, in good contact, didn’t stop seeing patients & the care is exemplary. I can get to see a doctor same day, if I need to. Also, if I don’t need it, there are a lot of cancer patients who didn’t get theirs I read yesterday!!!
After my 3rd vaccination I happened to have a blood test and my neutrophils were very low, which meant I was vulnerable to any infection. The same thing happened after my flu jab. However after a few weeks the readings gradually came back to normal. Discussing it with the clinician who phoned the results, I think this may be a fairly common occurrence, but only picked up because I just happened to have a test scheduled. I'm hoping to get my 4th jab in a week or so. (Not planning to have a blood test!)
This is all new to me about lowering of immunity, I thought the same as many others that it gave you more immunity to fight off infections. I will still be having mine this afternoon although rather sceptical now🙏 I wish you all the best with yours next week
You are right to get the vaccine. My guess, after talking to my doctor, is that vaccinations of all sorts often cause a bit of a wobble with blood levels while your body is absorbing it and it's taking effect. It will protect you in the long run.
I had my 4th two weeks ago, with a 3 month gap in between 3 and 4. My first two were AstraZeneca but unfortunately I had no antibodies following those vaccines. My third and fourth were Pfizer and happy to say I do now have antibodies. No side effects from first three vaccines but a slightly dead arm feeling at the site of the fourth vaccination which lasted just a few hours. Good luck!
I've had my 4th jab. First 2 were Astra Zeneca, 3rd Pfizer, 4th I don't know what variety. I have had absolutely no adverse reaction to any of them, not even a sore arm. Very glad to have the protection.
I had my 4th vaccine on the 17th January exactly 91 days after my third. First two were AZ, 3rd and 4th were Pfizer. No problems, just a sore arm for 24 hours. I was a bit concerned about having the 4th as the week before my doctor said there hasn’t been enough research into the effects of people having multiple vaccinations. I weighed up the pros and cons and decided that with Omicron raging through the population I’d rather try and give myself more protection against Covid. It’s all a bit of a gamble really.
Hi, l keep an eye on the Rules & have not heard anything about a change to a 4month interval (but l’ll check) it’s been 91days as far as l’m aware since the beginning for Boosters. I was due mine last week but l’m possibly heading for a flare so l will get my bloods done first & see what they show.
I’ve checked & it’s still 91days
Thank you for information.It seems my surgery are trying to cover there mistake then.
When I arrived I was told by receptionist:
I’m very sorry but as from this morning the government guidelines lines have changed and it needs to be 91 days since last vaccine.
I would have had no problem whatsoever if she had just said sorry but we made a mistake, after all everyone makes mistakes at some point. But to tell me a great big fib!!!!
I shall be questioning them tomorrow 🙁
Was it them that made the appointment? Someone needs a smacked hand
Yes it was , I shall be having words tomorrow, I can quite accept a mistake being made, but not to be fibbed to, as I did actually believe them and thought trust my luck for it just being changed this morning 😞
Interesting that here in the states, they are recommending waiting 5 months - never heard 91 days for immune compromised, etc. Or maybe I missed this recommendation. I am back and forth debating if I should get it now or wait till they come up with a vaccine for Omicron but I fear that could be a few more months from what I've heard on the news. My theory is since I had Pfizer 3 times, I would get Moderna for the 4th shot, maybe to stimulate a better antibody response. Time for more research!