I had a text,email and letter inviting me to book a 4th jab which I duly did. However when I got there a nurse who had a list of qualifying factors turned me away because I was only on 7mg when I had my 1st jab. Her list said I had to be on 7mg + MTX or similar or above. Anyone else had this experience ?
Turned away for 4th Covid jab due to Pred dose - PMRGCAuk
Turned away for 4th Covid jab due to Pred dose

When I had my 4th jab in a drop in clinic that never came up just showed them my letter and in I went. If you still have your letter try another drop in clinic and don't talk about your first attempt. Maybe they where short of jabs and trying to stretch them out.
Hi I am going to Mount Hawke tomorrow for my 4th & I’m only on 3.5. Forewarned is forearmed I’ll make sure I have letter with me. But I have adrenal insufficiency so I think that’s also why I’m registered as extremely vulnerable. Good luck with another try. Reeds chemist is Truro is very very obliging!
Thanks Pollyanna. I took my letter but because I was on 7mg Pred at the time of my first dose I didn't qualify. I now live in Devon but remember how helpful you were when I came to a few support group meetings in Truro golf club. Hope all is well with you.

If you had the invitation I think it is likely the nurse was wrong. The letter alone should be enough, never mind the Inquisition!
You would hope so but she had a list of criteria that I didn't fit. Think I will wait it out until Autumn.
I wouldn't - I'd take my letter to at least a couple of walk-ins.
I’ve just posted about the Spring Boosters…….
I received the fourth jab letter. I didn't know 4 th jabs were on offer. I emailed my surgery to check the position.I was advised the letters come from central NHS who would know my circumstances they think I am on 15 mg pred which was recorded when I commenced them in 2020 no one tells them I tapered and ceased 10 months ago .I WAS ADVISED I DIDNT NEED A FORTH JAB.
Good luck
By the letter do you mean the one saying you can have the fourth jab or the one inviting you for the third, which I didn't have (that letter)as I went to a drop in clinic and filled in the form there and they did it straight away. Mind you this is all a bit academic now as I shall qualify for the over 75 one when they do it
Try booking through this link…..
Hi Retallack, why put yourself at risk by waiting until the Autumn, just because of an authoritarian nurse. My letter from the NHS said that I had to get as letter from the GP first. This they supplied and then the pharmacist just looked at the letter and asked no further questions.
Did you actually take the letter with you? I don't think it is for a nurse to argue with that. Try a drop-in where you don't have to book. There is a list on Gov.uk
I was invited for my 4th. The question of dosage never occurred. My letter was from the GPwho would have known I was only on 3mg and not MTX.Seems to be a varying of rules regarding the 4th
Hi, I never had a nhs invite for 4th vac, my husband did, when I queried this with rheumatologist dept they sent me a letter to say I needed this, when I showed the nurse at vac centre she said fine, no questioned asked. I think try another centre as suggested by others on this site. The nurse had no right to refuse you as you have a letter stating you need it.
Don’t give up, we all need extra cover from covid 19.
Good luck
I don't think that the official guidance (JCVI) has changed. You have to be on 10mg or more of Pred, or 7.5mg if also on Methotrexate or other immunosuppressant. In that case, it seems that the nurse is correct?
But it isn't current dose is it? It is within however long previously.
Exact words -
3. Individuals with chronic immune-mediated inflammatory disease who were receiving or had received immunosuppressive therapy prior to vaccination including:
• high-dose corticosteroids (equivalent to ≥ 20mg prednisolone per day) for more than 10 days in the previous month
• long-term moderate dose corticosteroids (equivalent to ≥10mg prednisolone per day for more than 4 weeks) in the previous 3 months
• non-biological oral immune modulating drugs, such as methotrexate >20mg per week (oral and subcutaneous), azathioprine >3.0mg/kg/day, 6-mercaptopurine >1.5mg/kg/day, mycophenolate >1g/day in the previous 3 months
• certain combination therapies at individual doses lower than above, including those on ≥7.5mg prednisolone per day in combination with other immunosuppressants (other than hydroxychloroquine or sulfasalazine) and those receiving methotrexate (any dose) with leflunomide in the previous 3 months
Inconsistencies, always confusing inconsistencies that leave us perplexed and drain confidence that anyone actually has a clue what they are doing. I have been on varying dosages of Prednisolone and Hydrocortisone throughout this Pandemic and received all four so I would try a different venue with your letter and hope whoever you see got out of the right side of the bed that day.
I was only on 2 mgs of Pred but was given my 4th jab x
My sister and I are on low doses. She was told she didn’t need it so chose not to have jab. I guess I’m in same boat but my choice is to take as many as they are offering. I’ve had all three now. Feeling protected!
I was told I didn't qualify for the 3rd vaccine as I was not on pred for my first vaccine but started on it in September 21. I didn't mind because I got the booster. However I enquired about the 4th vaccine at my GP recently and was told to ring 119. The guy there was very helpful but said I need a letter from my GP. I rang GP again but they knew nothing about any letters. They said they'd get back to me. That was 2 weeks ago.
I thought that the information that you had received would have been all that you required
I hope this is not unfair, but my impression generally is that the staffs who call people forward are less likely to have established the fine print of eligibility, whereas the nurses who administer the injections are much more likely to stick to the rules as they have been trained. Hence, there are occasions where we get mixed signals.
Im a volunteer at a vaccine centre and if you have your letter with you there is no problem, the centres are very quiet at the moment pleasetry again x
I had a letter, I went to the chemist shop, Boots, a drop in centre. I showed the letter and got the jab. No one asked questions except if it was ok to have the Moderna vaccine.