I have been taking Caltrate calcium + Vit D3 supplements for over a year with no problems at all. Sadly I can't get these in Cyprus anymore so I've bought an alternative called Natecal D3, which are chewable. I've been taking them for 4 days and have developed bloating, wind, constipation all day and night, plus a lot of pain. I'm going to stop taking them for a few days to see if the problem clears up. I wonder if anyone else has suffered similarly and what alternative brand they changed to. Thank you for taking the time to read this......
Have really bad stomach pains/constipation since ... - PMRGCAuk
Have really bad stomach pains/constipation since changing to the chewable tablets. Anyone else?

I have tried Adcal D3 and Natecal D3 and they both gave me vile wind but not constipation (possibly because I also had Lansoprazole which was having the opposite effect). I have taken the risk of giving them all up as an experiment at the moment. I have increased the calcium content of my diet and am taking vitamin D separately. I seem to be feeling better. I may have to go back on the calcium but I needed to try to work out which drug was making me ill.
Hello, initially I was taking calcium carbonate which did seem to cause bloating etc. I’ve been ok on calcium citrate but only take about half the recommended daily dose - get the rest from diet. On low dose of Prednisolone.Sorry can’t help you on actual brands but I’m sure someone will. All the best.

I had no real problems with Natecal but it is really a case of trying various sorts as it is probably the fillers in combination with the calcium carbonate.that do the deed and everyone is different. My husband can't "do" calcium carbonate for the same reason - but is absolutely fine using Calciobase which is calcium citrate and needs far less because more is absorbed. On a full dose his calcium level went up far too high.
I don't take anything any more - just eat a lot more dairy especially cheese What's not to like about an ounce of parmesan having a third of what you need for the day!!!
Calcium carbonate always caused immediate constipation for me. I changed to calcium citrate with some improvement, now trying seaweed based calcium. Mind you my innards are very sensitive! Glad you found a version that works.
Since I stopped taking the Natecal and took some Maloxx plus goat's kefir before I went to bed last night the stomach pains have stopped and I 'went' this morning. Huge relief, even if too much information! Thank you for your reply. I will wait a few days and go back to the Caltrate. Fingers crossed. Thank goodness for this great support site where you can discuss just about anything.......