Good morning - I thought I would write a positive post here because I am feeling quite cheerful. I had PMR 10 years ago when I was in my mid-sixties and recovered without too much difficulty ( just a few ups and downs!) over 2-3 years so when I suddenly had severe muscle pains in early August this year, I guessed it might have returned. This was confirmed with a telephone call to a GP to discuss symptoms plus blood test to check inflammation. I started on 15mg Prednisolone and the pain completely disappeared within a few days. The steroids also mask my dodgy knees and hips' discomfort so that's a bonus! The local NHS advice is to take this dose for 4 weeks and then reduce to 12.5mg for two weeks, then 10mg for 4 weeks. I will see how this works. I am trying to manage my energy levels and be sensible e.g I am not going to climb up the step ladder and paint the spare bedroom ceiling, something I would have done without thinking earlier this year. I may feel really fatigued as I reduce the dosage but so far I am feeling fine just tired and a bit lethargic and although I am aware that my activities will be curbed, so be it, there are worse things out there. One of the joys of being retired is that you don't absolutely have to meet deadlines etc. Who cares if the hoover just sits in the cupboard and the ironing piles up!
I live by the sea on the North East coast of Scotland and my pals and I survived last winter's lockdown by swimming in the sea twice a week. We have kept this up all over the summer and our wee group of four elderly women has grown to over thirty. There is often more squealing and giggling than actual swimming especially when it was very cold! I don't know if there is any information on the benefits of cold water specifically for PMR but it makes me feel good both physically and mentally so I shall endeavour to keep it up.
I guess I am lucky that so far I am coping just fine and hope that those of you that are having a hard struggle will see some real improvements moving forward. I recommend Kate Gilbert's Book on PMR plus all of the info and support on this site because otherwise it can be a lonely journey when friends and family do not understand the condition and you don't actually look ill!
Sending hugs and positive thoughts to you all! xxx