Coming up to my 2 year anniversary on prednisolone and I seem worse than ever. On 6 mg daily atm.
A lot has gone on in the last few months, a 3 week trip to Mexico in November and woke up on the day of the flight out, barely able to move, having had a few good months until then. Bunged my dose up to 10 mg, which helped and stayed on that until I came home. Unable to walk when I got to Cancun, but better on 10 mg. Had a fall on a slippery path when I was out there and jarred my body so that I hurt all over for several days. Then 3 days before my return, the pain shifted from my legs to my arms and that is the main problem atm.
On top of that, I have had one cold after another since December, have a few days to recover and then I am ill again, feverish and it goes to my chest, and sleeping a lot of the time. I've suspected all along that a virus causes me to flare. Was given a CPAP machine for sleep apnoea in December, which I am finding hard with PMR. Had dental treatment 2 weeks ago and can't tolerate hot or cold due to my teeth suddenly very sensitive. I don't suspect GCA, my teeth often respond like this to dental treatment. In the background, frequent appointments to monitor fast growing ovarian cysts and endometrial thickening, blood results for cancer protein OK so far, but scary stuff.
I don't know what to think atm. I'm not good at spotting flares, due to my issues around feeling like I am making a fuss over nothing and other people are worse off than me, so it is really hard for me to judge. Hence, needing an outside opinion. The arms are a real problem. Having trouble getting dressed, can't reach to the side or behind me and lifting anything heavier than a coffee cup is painful. Assume it is the PMR as it is dose responsive. Have been lucky until now with no arm involvement, but swimming is out of the question. It was my main joy in life whilst suffering with this miserable illness. That's the other thing, I feel absolutely miserable and done in. I'm not depressed, just tired of PMR and not being well, and feeling worse than ever.
I probably need to bunk up my pred dose, but not sure to what. 10 mg dulls it, but doesn't go away. I'm not sure that I could tolerate more than that, since pred makes me go a bit psycho. Plus, not 100% convinced all this is PMR. 10 mg gives me about the same level of relief as 5 mg did at the beginning of last year. After 6 weeks on 6 mg, the inflammation doesn't seem to be building up again (yet?).
On Saturday, I am heading up to Northumberland for a week. No idea how I am going to manage the journey now and what I will be capable of when I get there. I've decided to pack a very big coat and sit on a bench and watch the sea if I can't manage anything else. At least I will be able to see the sea (just) from the window.
Doc's appointment booked with my favourite GP for the Monday when I get back.
I did try to make it short, but it helps to dump it in writing. It makes me think that maybe I am just dealing with a lot and things will calm down.