Hi all, still in pain after my fall last wk, so after speaking to gp decided to try different pain killers instead paracetamol instead of going up on pred so prescribed co-cordimol in the hope that my extra pain is fall related not a flare, have another appointment fri,
Update after fall: Hi all, still in pain after my... - PMRGCAuk
Update after fall
Sadly, the after effects from falls can drag on and it’s only a week on. Where is the pain?

Keep an eye out for being constipated - it is a very effective painkiller but has that as a downside!
I had a bad fall when I slipped on a spillage at a UK airport. I landed heavily on my coccyx and fractured my T11 & T12 vertebrae. CoCodamol was prescribed for my pain.....I had to come off it after a week.....awful constipation (as you indicated) and constantly felt sleepy with a foggy brain. Couldn't drive as didn't feel alert enough! 😕
I trust you DID sue ...
I absolutely did.....took almost 5yrs to get the compensation.... they made it as difficult as possible for me and made ridiculous claims that I wasn't wearing safe footwear and probably was looking ahead when I should have been looking at the floor! Thankfully I had an excellent solicitor, 2 witness statements and photos of a bin full & overflowing with half full drinks bottles immediatelywhere I fell! We persevered and literally at the 11th hour before we were due to take it to Court they backed down and agreed our settlement terms. It was a significant amount as it definitely impacted on my life leaving me with things I can no longer do. I did get a fab holiday to florida with my hubby, son and DIL out of some of it though!😃
So you could bump into someone and sue THEM? I always tell our local supermarket when the floor is wet from filling the cabinets - the women drop what they are doing to put a sign even if they don't wipe it up for a few minutes until they get the mop out - the blokes look at you as if you are the mess and get the fancy floor cleaner out ...
Bungs me up terrible - it says limit to 3 days, but I find 1 day is all I can manage. It’s a self limiting drug in that regard.
Agree with SnazzyD.....it will probably take a little longer to get over your fall with everything else that's going on too, and knowing exactly where you're experiencing the pain might help determine what the possible cause is. You fell down 3 steps!!.... that would be quite nasty even for someone who's completely well. Fingers crossed that as the trauma you incurred heals, the pain will gradually diminish too.
Agree with the others re how long it takes to recover from a fall - far longer than you think it should partly because of the effects PMR and pred both have on our body. Keep on being super kind to yourself, recognise that you will be in recovery mode longer than you would like, but, like pred tapering, slowly slowly wins the race in the long run. Says she, more than a year after injuring both knees in separate accidents weeks apart. Don't think I'll ever be back where I was before, but much much better, finally..... So take it slowly, take each day as it comes, and, more or less quoting my physiotherapist, do *not* push through pain when you have an injury,
I have had several falls since this started. I instinctively roll in mid fall and land on my back. Broke a few ribs each time. Finally got smart and bought a really cool cane. Not only does it provide support I greatly improved balance
Hi Karen, I have used Co-Codamol (30/500)for the last 30 odd years, it is the only thing that I find effective for my OA and/or pain. However, I do know that it does not suit everyone with many getting similar symptoms to Kendrew.
Mainly ankle and side of foot and wrist is the worse now still got bruises. I already take lactose cause omeprazole maake me constipated. I only took 1 co-cordimol earlier and pain definitely better so will take 2 before bed.

Deep bruises take ages to go. Soft tissue injuries also take a long time and need to be helped with reducing stress on them by not over using and avoiding having gravity pulling fluid down into the areas causing swelling. So avoid standing and walking a lot. I had a fall onto soft ground while chasing my dog and it took six weeks for the injuries to stop reminding me they were still there. If your pain doesn’t improve (by that I don’t mean disappear) at all in the next week or two, do see a doc.
For bowels there is also Movicol which also makes one take extra much needed fluid. Some find Lactulose gives them wind and I would also caution taking stimulant laxatives for more than a few weeks because the bowel can become less independent of them over time.
Hi Karen. Ask dr for cosmocol it is brilliant if pain relief is causing constipation. I didn’t have a fall but somehow managed to fracture 4 vertebrae .Still awaiting due a scan as they suspect osteoporosis due to Prednisolone and early menopause .
If one is taking a pain med which is known to cause constipation, take docusate sodium 200-40mg daily in conjunction.
Lactulose 10-15ml three times daily does work, syrupy gloop😐
Prunes stewed with ground cinnamon and vanilla with creamy Greek yoghurt for breakfast really works and tastes better than most prescription meds to unblock you.