10 days ago I had a bad fall and sprained my ankle—it’s still swollen and painful, I’m doing what doc said to do for it. When I fell, I landed on my right side which is now sore and painful all the way up to my waist, including my whole lower right quadrant. I’ve been icing my right pelvic area to ease the pain and soreness (hasn’t helped), I’m thinking I need physical therapy but with my ankle and feeling decrepit, i just can’t do it right now. I’m doing a lot of sitting with my ankle elevated, etc. Any suggestions? Words of wisdom? Pat on the head? Thanks!
bad fall: 10 days ago I had a bad fall and sprained... - PMRGCAuk
bad fall

I can offer lots of sympathy but haven't really got any suggestions. Have you talked to dr about pelvic area etc or just the ankle? It may be that getting the leg in a good position for the ankle is not good for the hip. Devil and deep blue sea, perhaps.
Could be, isn’t helping, I know. But when I fell, my husband was holding onto me—we both thought I might have broken my hip. I wasn’t paying attention, stepped off the porch, my ankle rolled and down I went. Luckily he didn’t let go or things could have been worse, we think. Good thought about my sitting position, hadn’t thought of that—can’t do much about it for now.

Not entirely sure PT would achieve a lot for the sprained ankle - and I imagine the rest of the woes are due to the bruises. Only time heals them!
Have you flared? A fall like that would definitely class as a flare trigger.
Have you tried arnica? Homeopathic globules used to be a minor miracle for me. And arnica cream helps bruises too.
Otherwise, the best I can offer is gentle virtual hugs xxx
Perhaps you could have another word with the doctor. Are you taking paracetamol or any painkillers ? Physio doesn't sound advisable whilst you are in so much pain. I'm very sorry about your fall which must have shaken you up a lot. Lots of sympathy and virtual hugs and I hope you get better soon.

Thank you! I took painkillers the first couple days, not now. Using heat now, per instruction sheet.
Ice is good too, my husband who is going to have an ankle fusion finds it helps deaden the pain. They say a sprain is more painful than a break so you’re fully entitled to feel sorry for yourself 😀 Get well soon.
Have you had x-rays to make sure nothing is broken?I rolled my ankle on a1/2 inch incline on concrete & assumed it was a slight sprain. I did all of the correct things with ice, rest & having it up for a couple of days, & then started walking (just as necessary) with it bandaged up. I eventually saw a GP a month later, as it was still sore (but not bad). She said that sprains can take a while to heal, but sent me for an X-ray just in case. My tibia is broken in 2 places!
One good bit of advice for all of us 'oldies' we must try not to fall over. (easier said than done) I reckon the most falls are in our age groups. Do we lose our balance or what ? I walk really carefully and look down when I walk outside to try not to fall or trip up. Hope you feel better soon. Seems to take forever for anything to heal as we age. Oh the joys of getting old !!

I was stepping off our porch, while holding onto my husband. I looked away, my foot rolled off the step and down I went. (Good thing he was holding on). Now when I fill out those questionnaires at the docs that ask, “have you fallen within the last 12 months?”, I’ll have to say yes, rats.
Haha, yes, good job you was hanging on to your hubby, could have been a lot worse and taken him down with you...get better soon.
I sympathize. Glad you had x-rays and no broken hip. That's my worst nightmare.
Had a similar fall last December, except my husband wasn't holding my hand. Missed a step and fell flat down on the hands and knees onto a concrete driveway. Left fibula snapped as it hit the edge of the step. it was initially very painful. Was given pain killers, but put them aside in case the pain worsened. It didn't. No cast required. Had to keep the leg elevated to relieve the blood pooling on my left swollen ankle. I was given exercises to do as much as tolerable to prevent blood clots and maintain ankle and leg muscles in both legs. I gradually increased weight bearing on the leg and walked with a cane for a couple of months. Fortunately, there was no flare of PMR and the bone healed OK within 6 months.
I dreaded having to mention the incident to my doctor, one of many pushing bone sparing medication for years, but did so last week. He didn't bat an eye. I guess he knows to stop talking about it with me.
Since I didn't sprain, let alone break my wrists or other knee, the points of major impact, and healed so well within normal time frames, I figure my bones are just fine.
Best of luck for a speedy recovery.
Very sorry to hear about your bad fall. I had a bad ankle sprain last December. It's very important to keep the ankle elevated and iced. Get a very good ankle brace. Here is the one I got: amazon.ca/Zenith-Ankle-Brac... Wear the brace at all times when not resting. It really helps. I bought a larger size plastic clog to wear over the brace, as my shoe would not fit. I started seeing a physiotherapist about 2 weeks after. He explained how complicated the foot ligaments and muscles are. He did massaging, and movement on it. He gave me some gentle exercises. Healing can take about 3 months. X rays are good to get to find out if you have any fractures.
3 months??? Double rats. I couldn’t wear the big boot—my pmr wouldn’t allow it, too heavy and painful. Then they tried another big strap on brace that made the pain so much worse, I refused it too. A nurse friend said I will be ok with just rest, ice and heat, and elevation. It’s better than it was—my whole foot was black, now it’s getting purply green. 3 months…Christmas…rats again. But thanks for your help!
I was given a very neat little thing for my tendinitis - and the difference it made in just a couple of weeks was amazing. Believe it or not, soft tissue injuries often take longer and are more difficult than broken bones,
Thanks…I think. 😬. What was the neat little thing?
Bit like this
But came a bit higher up my shin - or maybe that was because I'm a short-arse, everything seems long on me! The heel on mine was enclosed. It fitted inside my sandals with a bit of extra on the velcro fastening. Very lightweight
I don't know if you are having trouble sleeping, probably are, seeing pain is usually worse at night. If you are, try a pillow under your knees, while back sleeping, and between your knees for side sleeping. It is really comfortable if your skeleton is sore.