Charlie here, my husband, Mac, aka weatherman69 is asking about caffeine, is it okay to drink coffee. He was a 2 pot a day drinker, but now down to 2 some times 4 cups. He was in the Navy, on flight deck and then on weather ops floor and all of them drink coffee like crazy. It has been hard to get him down to that.
What about Coffee??? : Charlie here, my husband... - PMRGCAuk
What about Coffee???

Hi, Think it’s a mixed opinion - found this -
“Caffeine and polymyalgia rheumatica
In some people, coffee may have anti-inflammatory effects. A recent study found that these effects vary from person to person, and that in some people coffee has the opposite effect and can actually increase inflammation.”
There was a discussion about 10years ago on another in which PMRpro contributed - so she may well have something to add that’s a bit more up to date.
It’s probably sacrilege to a proper coffee drinker, but has Mac considered decaff instead....I switched about 10years, and do notice that if I have a couple of mugs of ordinary now it’s apt to give me a headache and/or indigestion.

I imagine it comes down to whether it causes him any problems! Cutting down is very difficult - going cold turkey is very unpleasant!
There seems to be a variation in study results - generally ones from 15-20 years ago suggest it is pro-inflammatory, more recent ones that it is anti-inflammatory!
suggests it isn't the caffeine per se that is anti-inflammatory - but then, who knows who funded the study in Brazil ...
I'm an 8 cup a day man, so far haven't had a problem. Tried decaf for a while but I need the caffeine to get me through the day.
I drink four or five cups a day. I feel better for it!😂 "A little of what you fancy......." must do you good"!
Even better with a liquor next to it.🍸
Hi Charlie and family. I am one of the people benefitting from coffee, of course with caffeine and a bit of cardamon an other anti inflammatory, or mood enhancer if you prefer....after almost 4 yrs of PMR i am “ stationary” on 3.5 mg prednisone, and my 11.00 am coffee with half a neurofen tablet and 100 mg paracetamol picks me up fine for the rest of the day....I think as an avid coffee drinker myself( 3 strong cups a day without the neurofen paracetamol cocktail added to the other two cups) my personal , absolutely non scientific opinion is that you Charlie, should stick with your two to four cups a day, if it gives you pleasure and does nt increase your pain and suffering...enjoy every sip of it! Get those happy endorphines coming...All the very best!!
Two cups a day of reduced acid coffee, second cup with brandy.
A bit of trickery could be good. I use 4 cups of coffee to a 12 cup pitcher. Yeah, others notice it's very weak but you get used to it and he could still keep his 2 pots a day going. I add soy milk and stevia so can't taste much of a difference. And I personally like hoarding all the coffee since others find it too weak. lol