Thank you so much to everyone who gave me wonderful advice. I don't know what I would do without this forum. So, I had a wisdom tooth out week on Tues and it was absolute agony. I had had an abscess on it since Dec and throughout lockdown , heavy filled etc, lost filling and knew it had to go. So it went. The tooth ache since, even ear pain was dreadful. Dentist wanted to give me antibiotics when he took it out 'just in case' because the abscess was quite bad. I had erroneously been told by my rheumy not to take antibiotics whilst on pred! Dentist yesterday said that it is healing okay, no 'dry socket' though still a bit of raw bone but that due to pred it will take longer to heal and yes, it will continue to be sore for a while. BUT, i now know that I CAN take antibiotics! Maybe if I had had some when the abscess first appeared I wouldn't have spent so much time in agony and maybe saved it. Two dentists backed me up when I erroneously said I couldn't have antib's!!!!! Some Dentists as well as rheumys need educating it would seem. Once again PMRGCAuk came to my fully informed aid. Thank you everyone!!!
Antibiotics for tooth abscess whilst on Pred update - PMRGCAuk
Antibiotics for tooth abscess whilst on Pred update

Honestly! What would we do without this Forum? You must have been in agony - so glad you are recovering..🌺
Dear Fieldofdreams,
😢. I could feel the pain through your post. Oiy oiy oiy. 😱
You should have taken a couple of paracetamol before the extraction. That would have buffered the pain a little.
Wisdom teeth are a curse, I had mine out in the 60s.
I’ve just finished a course of antibiotics for an UTI. So of course we can take anti-biotics.
Anyway, the good side, you are now on the road to recovery and the worst is over. 👏
Did you have general anaesthetic?
If not, your dentist is lucky you didn’t kick his teeth out. 😂
Keep brushing those toothy pegs.
YuliK 😷
So glad you got rid of your tooth. My last extraction was a top molar in July. It has healed well but my dentist said it's not completely healed yet. He said that the pred would slow it down a bit but he's happy with it. I have gradually been feeling better now the two bad teeth have gone. This week I have had trouble with another one but it's not infected and dentist was able to repair it.
As someone who was terrified of dentists this last year has certainly got me over that one. I have never been so grateful to anyone for relieving the pain I had been suffering. I even had a good chat about doing some bridge/crown work in the future. I would never have suggested this in the past. For this I am very grateful, my dentists are now my friends and I appreciate their skill and compassion.
Hope you heal well too x
Glad I was wrong re dry socket, but partially right as some of the alveolar process was exposed, so prednisilone permitting I can sleep easy tonight based on my thoughts. Well done, hope you get some relief soon.
Must admit, as you described you had an abscess, I am amazed that it was extracted without antibiotics first as often the local anaesthetic doesn’t penetrate sufficiently because of the abscess being a barrier. Obviously your dentist knows what they are doing.

Thank you again. I have had trouble with the tooth for some time... even prior abscess. I saved it a couple of years again but if I tried again it would have cost me a fortune and probably failed so took the cheaper but more sensible route I think.... but more painful although it is improving now.
I am so pleased you mentioned dry socket though as I was well prepared when I went.
Love and thanks FOD
Interesting. I have really good oral hygiene and disclose, brush, floss and use a water pik. I have noticed some small resorption of gingival margins, due iI suspected to the normal levels of inflammation caused by the interaction with daily plaque now being suppressed and therefore my healthy bacteria resistant gums have stopped responding to normal attack.
Your post is particularly relevant to us older patients where however good your oral hygiene is, there will be some bits we miss when cleaning ultimately, in what is quite a hostile environment, resorption will occur when combined with age.
Not sure about calcium as this is thought to be an old wives tale re pregnant women losing their teeth, but I sure that someone here will have suffered that problem.
I also noticed that since PMR there was greater tendency to have some gum inflammation in spite regular cleaning and daily hygiene. Dentist had to use AB and injected it locally into gum tissue. It was more prominent at higher dose, and now is less of a issue at 2-3mg of pred.
Due to Covid-19 I had to skip cleaning and resorted to using small brush to clean between teeth in addition to normal flossing and brushing. Extra work, but worth it.
I’m on my second course of antibiotics for tooth infection...I think I replied to you before, but suffering brain fuzz as usual, sorry! I increased my Pred to 15mg as per rainy days when sick rules & it helped a lot! Ask antibiotics did nothing. 2nd helped, but still hurts when I tap it with upper back tooth. Not sure what to do now! Wait a few days & see if it settles or rush to get it removed as covid cases rising & I don’t want to be in agony if shielded again! Grrrrrrrgh, very boring! Glad you are hopefully over the worst! S x
Hi Pixi... oh my goodness what a nuisance isn't it.
I left and left mine thinking body might self heal and didn't even think anti b's were ok... 2 dentists told me I shouldn't....
In the end it was a back tooth so I had to weigh up expensive root canal and crown which may not have worked as a lot of tooth broke off. 9 mths of agony I finally said do it. The money I saved will go towards a crown replacement at the front when this is all over.
If you can live without the tooth cosmetically (and that's crucial in my book because a nice smile is critical with our moon face lol) then weigh up cost v pain....
Good luck whatever you decide to do.
Oh, I haven’t suffered like you have! I had an infection in this back tooth two years ago, & it took two courses of antibiotics to solve it. Now the sane again...if it isn’t 100% in a week’s time it can go! Very back lower tooth, heavily filled, not much tooth left, with an impacted wisdom underneath it! No root canal work, thanks, may not be appropriate anyway, it’s calm now, just small sharp pain if tapped, but that doesn’t last. I’m a huge coward when it comes to dental work! Thanks & hope yours settles down, thankful I didn’t have an abscess! S x