Looking for help again please. I was diagnosed with an overactive thyroid in April 2018 by a routine blood test despite having no symptoms at all and was prescribed 5mg of carbimazole. All blood tests quarterly are now normal but in August 2019 I was diagnosed with PMR & am now tapering down to 9mg Pred. My hair is thinning & Im wondering if it is related to these two drugs? My endocrinologist hasn’t given me another appointment till November despite me asking last November if I have to stay on carbimazole. My GP said he would be happy for me to stop carbimazole then check bloods again in regularly but is reluctant as I am being seen at the hospital. Any advice please? My blood tests for everything in December were all normal again. I take Calcilum, magnesium & Vit D supplement plus just started taking 2 Gummies per day which contain Biotin, Selenium etc ( I checked with pharmacist that these are ok) Sorry this is a long post
Overactive thyroid and PMR: Looking for help again... - PMRGCAuk
Overactive thyroid and PMR

seems to be a pretty good article - hair loss is a very difficult thing to pin down a cause for as even our health status being poor can lead to hair loss. PMR caused hair fall for me, pred causes it for some but it improved mine, methyl pred created a brillo pad and prednisone restored it to normal. I won't even go there for methotrexate!!!!
I would want to talk to my Endocrinologist about this. I believe that Prednisalone can affect your thyroid function blood tests and Carbimazole suppresses the white blood cells. If you google the two drugs and interactions you will get further information. The Endocrinologist will be familiar with all of this. See if you can have a telephone chat.
Thank you. I have go appointment next week so will raise the subject with him & see if I can get a telephone appointment with the consultant as my next appointment to see her isn’t until November
My thyroid dr took me off biotin for a week before he checked my blood. He said the biotin can cause your numbers to be wrong.