On Christmas Eve I was rushed by blue light ambulance to our local hospital. ConfusionBP 67/42, diarrhoea and vomiting, a rash on my torso and a temp of 41! I spent 6 hours in resus where I went into renal failure. (This has mostly resolved) Once stabilised I was transferred to a side ward because I then caught influenza A. I have just come home and am trying to get used to being absolutely exhausted. I had managed to get my steroid dose down from 40 to 15 mgs but am back up to 40 again. By a stroke of luck I had been feeling unwell for a few weeks so had stopped taking Methotrexate and I believe, rightly or wrongly, had I been taking it I would have been even more immunosuppressed and may not have survived. I feel very grateful and fortunate to have come through this and my gratitude to our nhs is impossible to put into words. Beware SEPSIS ...it is subtle, confusion can make you unable to realise how unwell you are. It all happens very quickly.
Sepsis for a Christmas on top of everything else - PMRGCAuk
Sepsis for a Christmas on top of everything else

There seem to have been some really nasty xmas pressies handed out this year! My husband ended up in hospital on xmas eve last year - I suspect on the verge of sepsis but the word was never mentioned to us.
I think you are right - with mtx on board it might have been a very different result,
Get well soon.
Crikey! Sounds like a close shave. Yes it’s good to know there is no bill at the end of it to rub salt into the wounds, especially after getting a flu courtesy of the hospital. Thank goodness you listened to your body and weren’t taking the Methotrexate as you say. I do hope you have a steady recovery
Definitely agree sepsis is a hidden killer. Its especially lethal if you have had recent surgery. People should look the symptoms up and be aware. Not every high temp is going to be sepsis but better to be cautious when on the likes of pred.
They seem to explore temp, BP and fill a sepsis form in evrrytime I go in. I was a bit tachy once but they had previously ignored it. But when bloods can about it was a good check over.
I am very glad you are here to tell this tale. Rest, rest, rest, and get well! 🌻
What a dreadful thing to have experienced. Thank goodness you are now recovering but do take it easy. It will have been a big blow both physically and mentally and it’s no surprise that you’re feeling exhausted. Do hope you have someone to take care of you. Get well soon 💐
So pleased you are home in one piece. I wish you a speedy 'full' recovery.
That's so awful , sometimes seems like Karma steps in and helps us make decisions that we don't know the reason for but turn out to save our lives , like you stopping MTX.
So glad you have recovered enough to come home now , despite also catching the Flu!!
No wonder you are back up on doseage now , you must feel awful , although I bet you are happy to be on it when you think of what the alternative outcome could have been from your trip to hospital.
Do you know how you got Sepsis or us that still a mystery?
Take care , don't think about Tapering or Normality for a while , just take care of yourself , build up your strength with lots of rest , fluids and nutrients and hopefully you will be back on the road to recovery again soon . Hugs xxx
What an awful experience, rest and get well soon....
What a shocking experience! Get well soon. Thanks for the heads up.
So glad you're getting better. Take it easy for a while and don't fret about the taper.
I had sepsis two years ago and like you wasn't aware how ill I was. I was lucky in that my husband realized how ill I was and phoned the GP who told him to take me to A and E. It turned out to be urosepsis and pneumonia, but I wasn't aware of any symptoms before. I feel that if I had been on my own I would have just gone back to bed and probably not have woken up!
After this we bought a blood pressure monitor and a new thermometer, I would recommend that any one on pred has them to hand.
Phew. Glad to hear you are home. Rest & recuperate. Thank God for the NHS.
So glad you are home , take care x
What an awful experience so pleased you’re home and slowly recovering. Take care
Oh Vaggers, how awful for you & such a frightening experience.
I do hope you’ll soon be on the mend & Get Well Soon 🌷🌷🌷
What a horrible, scary experience. So glad you got the treatment needed and are on the road to recovery. Rest and pamper yourself for as long as it takes.
So scary when it happens. Take care of yourself as your body has had a sudden shock. Try not to get too tired so rest before you need to. Plenty of good food and liquid. Also, when you can go for a short walk to help your circulation.
All the above was learnt the hard way, so give yourself and your body time to recover. Take care Jen
You have all my sympathy. My husband had sepsis diagnosed in July whilst we were on holiday in the west country. Hope your convalescence goes well.