Has anyone had RS3PE with pain but no swelling? My hands are not swollen but the backs of them are so sore and painful. I haven’t had this pain in the backs of my hands before in my PMR journey.
So sick of this blasted illness and the pain. I am on 5 mg but in so much pain everywhere today and have a funeral to go to so I have taken 10 mg this morning so I can get through the day.
I was diagnosed aged 53 six years ago and I really thought by now I would have got to remission. I don’t drink alcohol, I eat healthily, I take turmeric, marine algae oil, probiotics, Vit Bs, C and D, magnesium and CBD drops and have an infra-red sauna blanket. I am willing to try anything to get rid of the pain. I know it could be worse - others have things much worse - but it does get me down sometimes.
Sorry - have gone off the subject - would like to hear from anyone about RS3PE?