Sorry this is verbose...
My head is spinning reading the research and contradictory findings it’s enough to drive one mad. However below is what I take now to help offset bone damage.
From my past experience with Vitamin C & E I believe overall it to be beneficial as it’s the only reason I can think of for very rarely getting a cold (much less the flu) and when I do it’s not bad and gone in 3 days. I also don’t believe it negatively impacts PMR. It bolsters the immune system, not activates it. But that is my interpretation and opinion only and I’m no Doctor.
So far doing 16mg to 14mg via DL’s Simple Taper on week 4 and having no indication I even have PMR (i.e., no pain, etc) therefore I’m going to start my DL taper new dose of 12mg this Sunday and see how it goes. Depending on how I feel during this taper I may attempt another 4wk taper to 10mg which then I’ll use the full 5 wks + 2wk hold (maybe longer) before starting toward 9mg. That’s as far forward looking I’m willing to do at this juncture.
Back to the Vitamins: here’s my routine, it will be interesting to see if my Rheumy will support my plans. I’ll find out on Monday.
8:30 AM: take prescribed Prilosec
9:00 AM: Vit E mixed tocopherols (134mg total) + mixed tocotrienols (16.6mg total) all 4 fractions (a,b,g &d) present in each.; D3(2000 IU); K2(50 mcg); Ubiquinol(100mg); 1MD Probiotics Premium - all taken with milk and food
10 AM: 1/2 of total daily Pred dose
Noon & 6 PM: Calcium (as calcium citrate) 500 mg & 350 IU D3 (note this a 1000mg/700 IU tablet cut in half) - taken with milk
7 pm Dinner - also take D3(400 IU)
8 PM: B12(500mcg); C(500mg); Zinc L-methionine(30mg); Folic acid(800mcg) taken with water
I’m considering replacing the Folic acid with Folate 5-MTHF based on most recent publications that are negative for the folic acid form I’m currently taking.
You’ll note my total Daily D3 is 3,100 IU) which is under the 4,000 IU max daily suggested. I don’t know how much I get via diet or sun exposure. I’ll ask it be looked at when next blood work is prescribed.
I’m not currently taking any Mg or Cu supplements.
10 PM Second half of daily Pred dose
Physical activity: I wouldn’t say I’m pushing it, but I have been doing normal things but just taking my time doing them. Yesterday I spent a good deal of time under my car changing out various lubricants, followed by walking the 2 sides of an acre field marking where 30 fence posts will need to be driven and lastly, going to the store and loading 36 5” dia x 8 ft wood fence posts in my truck. Today took it easy and went to see a movie and I feel fine! Tomorrow do some light work on the car (about 1 hr) and Sunday will be driving those posts into the ground with a hydraulic post driver on my tractor. While in the past I’ve done more than twice this number by myself, I’ve elected to have a friend help me. I don’t want to push my luck.
I consider myself fortunate. When I did have a flare up when last at 10mg it was at most a 5-6/10 on the pain scale and went away as long as I was up and moving. If sat or drove the ache would creep in the back of my thighs (hamstrings). I could have lived through it, but the thought of a potential rapid relapse to the sharp pain of 10/10 I had once experienced caused me to kick up the dose.
I’m hoping that the relapse a little ove a month ago was due to 2.5mg drops every 21 days with no taper as before for 24-48 hrs after each drop I felt “off”. Since doing 2mg with DL’s simple taper I feel no different as I decrease. Also, I’m thinking splitting the dose may be helping as well since I’m giving myself a boost before going to bed. I also no longer feel any discomfort first thing in the morning.