'Dopamine has emerged as a fundamental regulator of inflammation. In this regard, it has been shown that dopaminergic signalling pathways are key players promoting homeostasis between the central nervous system and the immune system. Dysregulation in the dopaminergic system affects both innate and adaptive immunity, contributing to the development of numerous autoimmune and inflammatory pathologies. This makes dopamine receptors interesting therapeutic targets for either the development of new treatments or repurposing of already available pharmacological drugs. ...'
Abstract from: (available online) J Neuroimmune Pharmacol. 2019 Jan 19. 'Targeting the Dopaminergic System in Autoimmunity.'
Recently I have been thinking 'I have no dopamine at all !!!' Of course this is totally 'unscientific' I just feel that way - ie. 'flat as a tack' with low in energy and motivation. All this is no surprise given 'deathly fatigue' is intrinsic to PMR/GCA and most of us feel 'low' on and off just having to negotiate this/these disease(s) let alone all the other stuff which might be going on in life as we experience it.
But there is some scientific research such as cited above, which indicates that dopamine is implicated in inflammatory and some autoimmune diseases here in relation to 'inflammatory bowel disease, multiple sclerosis and Parkinson's disease' although I have not yet seen any research which discusses the likelihood of a link to PMR/GCA.
Still I am keeping my eyes open and in the meantime TRYING to be more 'cheery'. I am aware of course even the 0.5 mg taper I have just done (to 10.5 mg - my lowest ever dose in nearly 3 years of GCA) is enough to make me rather 'down'.
Best wishes to everyone