Leg cramps and falling asleep: I'm new here If I... - PMRGCAuk


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Leg cramps and falling asleep

Granny72 profile image
31 Replies

I'm new here

If I walk more than 80 yards I get sever cramps in my lower legs which go after I sit for about 5 mins. I have had the blood pressure thing that tests the difference between arms and legs, it came out as ok. Could it be due to PMR.

Also I keep falling asleep (missed exciting bit of Grand Prix and tennis this pm) Will this go when PMR improves?

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Granny72 profile image
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31 Replies
Yellowbluebell profile image

Hi welcome to the site. I find that if i walk very far I just get slower and slower and my legs get heavy. As far as I am aware this is part and parcel of the pmr. As for falling asleep this again is part of the fatigue from pmr. As I don't sleep at night due to pred I find mid afternoon particularly dodgy for falling asleep!! Many members actually plan their days with naps to help with this. I am sure others will be along soon to explain why this happens and their advice but please be aware we are having IT problems on the site at the moment so it may be tomorrow when others reply.

Again welcome to the forum and dont be afraid to ask. YBB

Granny72 profile image
Granny72 in reply to Yellowbluebell

Thank you that helps re my legs it is good to know it is PMR.

Regards sleeping, I sleep all night as if in hibernation so it is not a lack of sleep triggering the problem

Yellowbluebell profile image
Yellowbluebell in reply to Granny72

My heavy legs only became obvious when I tried to keep up with my daughter and her bridal party and had to stop for rests!! Very embarrassing!!

Its probably the fatigue side of pmr/pred causing the sleepiness. I know a lot of members who report they sleep solidly and still have their naps as I am sure they will tell you. My prob is not getting more than 4 hours often less but I refuse to nap incase the next night is worse!!

It's hard trying to work out what symptoms are pmr/pred related or whether we have something else going on. It's nice to know you are not alone with these things! YBB

SheffieldJane profile image
SheffieldJane in reply to Yellowbluebell

At least you were invited!

I hardly slept last night, for no apparent reason. The thing is I feel cheerful and lively and am reluctant to switch that off. I can have been drooping about all day. I can’t fathom it.

in reply to SheffieldJane

I find "normal" percentages of light, deep and and rem sleep, even if I have 2 hours seems to be a good predictor of my mood. Sometimes I have a good day and at 6pmsh might look at my fitband and see percentages within ranges despite 2hr 12mins sleep or whatever. A baddish day can often overlap with much less deep sleep.


SheffieldJane profile image
SheffieldJane in reply to

I was sent a video of Theo my grandson beginning to read ( he’s not 5 yet) this and the thoughts it triggered, was enough to be happy awake for hours ( as well as purchasing some stage 1 and 2 reading books). The sheer excitement of my pared down life. 😊

The persistent cough and malaise has made me head for the sofa though, in the daytime.

in reply to SheffieldJane

That's lovely. But not good the cough lingering.

Yellowbluebell profile image
Yellowbluebell in reply to SheffieldJane

After the walking started I would have been happy to have stated at home!!

Constance13 profile image
Constance13 in reply to Granny72

Hallo Granny (what a youngster - I'm 80 in 2 weeks).😂😂

I'm afraid leg cramps, difficulty walking, are part of the lovely 'game' PMR you've gotten yourself into (without the training too)! Sit down, stretch your legs then bend your toes up towards you - it sometimes helps with the cramp.

As for the sleeping - oh my! I also sleep like a log most nights (except for loo trips) and also need a nap or two (10 - 20 minutes will do) during the day. You will find most people on here sleep very badly so really you and I are the lucky ones.😏

You will have a lot of questions over the next few weeks/months but there is always someone to listen/commiserate/help on here (almost 24/7 as our PMR friends are spread over the world).

All the best. Kindest regards from Constance.💐💐

Hi granny72, you are still in the early stages of PMR. My legs suffer similarly especially if I go uphill or try and keep up with muggles (healthy people) . What dose of pred are you on at the moment...perhaps these things are a sign that PMR is reminding you it likes to rest and sleep when in its pomp. The tennis and cricket were very exciting but I needed a nap afterwards before I watch the recording of f1. If you think you may need more pred....you know the advice. 🌻

piglette profile image

I keep falling asleep in the day, although I did watch the whole of the Federer Djokovic match and was fully awake. I thought in my case it might be due to the adrenal,glands.

maria40 profile image
maria40 in reply to piglette

Yes, perhaps the adrenal glands are at fault. I'm on 7mg and seem to have one good day - today is one - and one bad like yesterday when I could do absolutely nothing. It doesn't seem to be linked to how much I sleep at night - usually between 6 and 7 hours. I'm assuming it is the adrenal glands being reluctant to wake properly - do wish thery'd get a move on.

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply to maria40

But is it linked to what you did in the previous coupole of days?

maria40 profile image
maria40 in reply to PMRpro

No, there doesn't seem to be any correlation at all. Saturday, my last good day before today was not especially active. A little shopping, a butterfly survey at very gentle pace in the afternoon and a subtitled (i.e. no nodding off) Italian film in the evening, I just felt alert all the way through.

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply to maria40

I'd say that was a fair bit - concentrating on subtitles is hard. Shopping? Won't go there ;)

in reply to maria40

I can't even watch anything with subtitles at the moment...except everything in English. I just can't concentrate. I saw 1 butterfly today when out with my dog and spent 15mins trying to look it up....(first time ever)....shattered.

SheffieldJane profile image

I take Magnesium to ward off cramp. I do need to take it with a light meal though, I think it can give a slight tummy ache. The sleeping and fatigue is my big issue right now. I can be all set to watch a film and I can feel my eyes going. When I get up in the morning I promise myself a nap later and probably sleep fo 90 minutes most days. This enables me to have a bit of an evening. My Endocrinologist puts it down to overall steroid withdrawal - which kind of makes sense. My body has become used to this additional chemical.

jinasc profile image


Claudication is pain and/or cramping in the lower leg due to inadequate blood flow to the muscles. The pain usually causes the person to limp. The word "claudication" comes from the Latin "claudicare" meaning to limp. Claudication typically is felt while walking, and subsides with rest.

This happens with PMR ...........remember the oxygen supply to the muscles is impaired which causes the aches and pains.

Just stop, rest then start again.

Granny72 profile image
Granny72 in reply to jinasc

Thank you I had wondered if it could black of blood to my legs. PMR seems to hit in many ways.

jinasc profile image

I would be worried if you had 'black' blood. I make mistakes with the keyboard many times.

What I really wanted to say, that all your muscles are lacking in that oxygen supply, that is why it is better not to overdo it, which we all forget and just plough on our merry way.

SheffieldJane profile image

Get them up when you can!

Robinsnest72 profile image

Suffered from terrible cramps in legs when on 15mg pred. Now down to 7mg and no cramps at all. This is a side effect of pred. Maybe increase your magnesium but check with pharmacist first as it can effect heart rythm

PMRpro profile image

I think it may be more than "just" PMR in your legs - the sleepiness probably IS PMR!

You should speak to your doctor about referral to the vascular unit to have checks on the blood flow in your legs. What you are describing fits with claudication and 80 yards is a very short distance to be stopped in. There may be some way of improving it but it does need to be flagged up if that is what it is.

The first approach is often to tell you to "walk through the pain" which should lead to the development of collateral circulation to bypass where the traffic jam is in the arteries - like using the side roads when the motorway is blocked. But it may be there is a narrowed area they can treat,

Granny72 profile image
Granny72 in reply to PMRpro

Thank you, I have spoken to a doctor and I am hoping for a referral.

Noosat profile image

My first symptoms of PMR were terrible leg cramps at night. (Didn't sleep for 3 nights, before doctor visit). Since December 12th of last year have been on prednisone, which in early days was like a miracle drug. However, this morning I reduced to 5.5mg from 6mg, been tapering. I do take magnesium pills in the afternoon and the occasional mild now leg cramps at night have disappeared. I suffer the usual tapering symptoms, afternoon fatigue etc., but not severe enough for me to want to increase the dosage. Just wish I could hurry up the adrenals. This morning did a very slow walk with Lily dog at the river trail. Oh, so hot and humid !

ThePainPrincess profile image

Hello, I used to have terrible leg and foot cramps. Magnesium 4 times a day completely eliminated mine. It does take time so when you get them take a tablespoon of mustard. Athletes do this and it almost always worked for me. I take just one a day now of Doctor's Best high absorption. Feel better and be good!

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply to ThePainPrincess

Good lord - what sort of mustard? I can't imagine a tbsp of Colmans going down without shrieks of pain!

ThePainPrincess profile image
ThePainPrincess in reply to PMRpro

Haha! I don't know that it matters. I use dijon. ; )

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply to ThePainPrincess

Hmmm - try it with a tbsp of Colmans English ...

in reply to PMRpro

Omg my nose has started doing the Colman's dance just thinking about it.....




PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply to

Me too!!!!!

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