I have been having terrible tight cramping pains in my legs when I walk. My GP thinks it is fluid retention and has given me a diuretic which does not help. I am wondering if it is PMR . I have been off prednisolone for 18 months now …does anyone had this type of pain in their legs with their PMR
leg pain: I have been having terrible tight... - PMRGCAuk
leg pain

Many -
Try magnesium supplements or spray -or good old fashioned Epsom salts bath before bed….
Try searching for posts -enter leg cramps in search box
Also see this post from FAQs on magnesium -healthunlocked.com/pmrgcauk...

Is it a tight cramp in your calves after you have walked a short distance that then goes when you stop and rest but starts again when you walk again? Is it both legs or just one?
Yes it starts when I walk then settles when I rest. Never died when lying down but as soon as I put my foot on floor to walk it starts
both legs
Ask your GP why they don't recognise claudication pain. They should check your pedal (in the foot) or ankle pulses and the AB ratio (BP in ankle and brachial artery).
You need to be referred to a vascular surgeon for assessment in the vascular unit to identify where the restriction is on blood flow to the legs. It is a not unusual long term complication for patients with a history of vasculitis like PMR, especially if they didn't identify your PMR may have been due to LVV (large vessel vasculitis) in the arteries in the abdomen. Since it is both legs the blockage could be as far up as the lower abdomen, just above where the aorta splits to form the femoral arteries.
Are you feet cold? Do you get thigh pain too?
Thats exactly what i have now ! Had to go privately , fantastic consultant ! He picked Claudication pain within 5 minutes ! I have all the symptoms . ITs awful pain ! Just finished 8 week course of B 12 injection , Now on to see the channel blocker is for me ! Plus i asked if it was a side affect of long term Pred. He said he could not rule it out. So i will have to hobble a while longer !
I've recently been diagnosed with PAD which causes the claudication. I'm interested in why they prescribed B12. And what do you mean by 'the channel blocker'?
They want me to go on Aspirin and Statins which I'm not keen on because of the side effects.
I posted an article a couple of months ago which said that Pred can cause cardiovascular disease. I think that the inflammation from PMR must also cause damage to the arteries..
Hi, the Vitamin 12 was to put oxygen into my blood stream, it may have helped a tiny bit , a channel blocker is form of BP tablet.I take a aspirin ,and it was discussed about a statin.I refused them at the time , but to be honest I'm in so much pain , I will try anything! Hope this answered your question.🌹
hi thank you for your reply .. yeah I’ve been thinking it is a vascular problem. I’m going back to see GP again. Feel as though I’m not getting to the bottom of this. I have pain in both thighs and they are burning hot which is probably inflammation at times . Don’t have cold feet though x
hi Caradomben
I have pain in my calf’s when I walk on the smallest incline, I am ok on the flat. It feels like my muscles have totally ceased up and is so painful it calms down when I stop but starts up again if I carry on. I have had no answers as to why it happens. I have had pmr for 3 years now and am on 9/8 mg pred and methotrexate injection.
I have started getting that but do not have PMR. I am on this page because am undiagnosed. It could be PAD - artery thing! It is so annoying because i have to keep stopping.
It is what is called claudication pain and is due to reduced blood supply to the muscles - they may be fine with some excess demand when sitting rather than walking but walking uphill or faster is too much for the oxygen supply to the muscles. If your GP doesn't recognise it - they need to start looking it up and doing some CPD!!!! (continuing professional development)
thank you everyone for replies. I am going to suggest this to my GP. Hope to get to bottom of it soon. It’s making me depressed now