Thank you to everybody that replied to my post titled Return.My pmr was complicated as i have bipolar so definately couldn't risk steroids so my rheumatologist prescribled methotrexate instead and i ended up sectioned for a bad breakdown so didn't obviously continue with that.My pmr was severe but i got by with acupuncture naproxen tumeric cbd mindfulness plus loads more!
Thanks: Thank you to everybody that replied to my... - PMRGCAuk

Hope you are in a better place now 💐
Sorry to read that you have past a bad time lately. Pmr is enough to drive any one of us over the edge.
Your little cat in the picture , looks spoilt ..
Keep well and let us know how you are getting on. You are very welcome here.
YuliK. 🌹🌹
Might be better for PMR - it may not be for someone who is bipolar.
I am sorry that I offered the advice I did without understanding your particular circumstances - I thought I remembered your name. I hope you are feeling stronger now and are moving towards holistic health. What a sweet, contented little cat. 🌈

I didn't know that was a risk of mtx. I shall file it for reference. And you were worried about pred - but we will never know how that would have been.
Do hope you are doing OK now.
Glad you added this word of thanks to help people to understand that sometimes , for people with certain other conditions , like Bipolar , Steroids and MTX are often not an option and can cause serious psychotic episodes or other forms of harm .
Obviously , for a GCA/ PMR sufferer with health issues that do not make steroid use difficult or impossible , steroids can work wonders , even though it can have a sting in the tail. It's just some sufferers cannot rely on steroids for the help they need.
It is good for us to be aware how hard it is for sufferers who cannot use the conventional pain medications , and although we can find great positivity and hope in your story , it's good to remind us that noone ( or very few) whom do not take the standard medications , goes through PMR without drugs through choice , it is unfortunate circumstances .
They would also never wish for anyone else to end up in the same position as them , having to cope drug free , because , as you know from experience AnimalA , this involves far more impact on your quality of life , and constant and painstaking daily lifestyle management just to get through a normal day. And , you seldom have a moment without pain.
That's why , now you feel you have reached the end of the PMR road , you must pat yourself on the back for what you have achieved , and I hope you recognise the incredible amount of inner strength you must possess to have achieved this recovery.
If , when you feel up to it in the future and have time to look back on your journey , you could write some posts giving us some more details of some of things you did , I am sure they would be really helpful for GCA/ PMR sufferers in similar drug limited situations like you.
Any more practical details on your everyday pain management tips, supplements , therapies, exercise, and foods you used in recovery will probably also help sufferers that can take the conventional medications but might need an extra boost in our everyday self care for pain improvement too , so I hope you will consider it.
Take care and well done , Bee x
That must have been so acutely painful. I hope that episode is now a blurred memory fading into the past. Your current treatment sounds a mixed bag that makes life possible and most importantly puts you in control. Very best wishes and very best of luck. Thank God for cats 😘
Thank God you found something that worked!