Last week I had a flare. I was almost at 8mg (DSNS) so I went back to 10mg and the GP told me to stay there for a month before trying to taper again.
The pain and stiffness in my hips is now better but I have an awful pain in my right hip, more buttock really. It is not too bad when I am sitting and OK when I lie down but the pain when I stand on it is horrible, walking requires every ounce of concentration and energy and stairs are impossible. From what I have learned here I think it maybe bursitis, but can bursitis be that painful?
I cannot get an appointment with a doctor for four weeks. I could see the duty doctor but I see little point in going through all I would have to go through just to get there, when all he will want to do is refer me to my usual GP (who I can’t see for four weeks)
Is the pain likely to continue at this intensity or might the increase in steroid help after a few days?
Any ideas as to how to relieve the pain? Painkillers don’t seem to touch it.
I’m afraid I am really down today.