As not very good with technology I'm not sure if this will reach you!
Am very impressed by the quality and variety of posts I have read.
It has helped me to find that there are many others in the state of confusion that I find myself in!
Does not make me feel so alone and I am ready to try some of the solutions discovered by others. So many scare stories. Have not been feeling great on 7 pred..perhaps I am having a 'flare' which is a new
term for me so I am upping my dose to 10 to see what happens.
I have not seen many comments about the effect on eyesight of
undiagnosed GCA as that is one of the problems that worries me most .
Though CCA said to be quiet now I am still having deterioration in sight
and a lot of discomfort round eyes ....twitching in cheeks and tender at temples. Using celluvisc drops.
Still have tight jaw line. And my dentist says teeth ok!
Sometimes feel not bad but other times exhausted !,
Sorry to ba moaner.
Charlie 444
a day ago