After I saw the rheumatologist earlier this month I had some blood tests done. When I rang the surgery for the results I was told one of the results was a bit high and I needed to make a routine appointment with the doctor. I'd really hoped to make a double appointment but he's a very popular doctor who now only works part time and it was a question of ringing at 8 30 to make an appointment for that day or waiting a couple of weeks. By the time I got through, at about 8.50 the only appointment left was a single one at 5 00 pm!
I went well prepared with questions to ask, on the assumption that he would have had a letter from the rheumy by now. Somehow he caught me on the hop though when he called me into his office - instead of having my list of questions up on my phone I was in the middle of sending an email! To add to that he hadn't heard from the rheumy and was really surprised I'd seen one so soon as just a couple of months ago the waiting list was so long it had been closed for a while. I told him what I could remember from the visit but of course he needs the letter. He was surprised the consultant had suggested methotrexate and said that would be done under the supervision of a specialist but said he could prescribe pregabalin for the fibro - I want to discuss the pros and cons of that more before I agree though and there wasn't really time for that. He was concerned though that my white blood cell count is raised as well as my platelets. Also although my ESR has dropped again now (It was rising in spite of increased steroids) it isn't down to the level it was after I was first on steroids. He asked a lot of questions about my general health so I think is trying to work out if there is anything else going on. I have to have another blood test and see him again in 6 weeks. In the meantime he suggested I check with the surgery from time to time to see if they've had the letter and have a phone consultation in the interim.
The good news is I've been tapering from 15 to 14 and will start going down to 13 next week and that seems to be going smoothly so far. When I'm tapering it does at least feel like progress!
The picture above is of a small garden I'm making outside the cabin my husband and I use as a living room for 8 months of the year. I'm trying to make it quite slowly and carefully and keep it as something I can keep on top of. I was feeling quite pleased with myself as I'd managed to start marking the edge with stones. The brown in the picture is grass cuttings that had been put down as mulch and should all be the garden side of the stones but the chickens don't understand such little niceties! I try now to concentrate on the achievement of moving a few stones instead of thinking how little I can do before I've overdone things!