Did many people here find resistance from their Rheumy for introducing say the DSNS or DL taper? If so, how did you go about convincing them, or did you simply go it alone.?
My wonderful new Rheumy will probably be OK with it, but in case not, I'd like to get some idea ahead of time of how to broach the topic at the next consultation.
Background - (Sorry for the long post!) - My wonderful new rheumatologist said that she is using the BSR tapering guidelines for my pred prescriptions. This was at the end of a 2nd consult which was by phone, so not much room for discussion.
I was diagnosed in Mar/April 21 under a different rheumy who had me yo-yoing all over the place and believed in old medicine – tell the patient as little as possible!
The new Rheumy is very experienced with PMR. Her tapering plan from the first appointment in late June has so far been - 15mg – 3 weeks, 12.5. – 3 weeks, 10mg – 1 month, 9mg – 1 month and then 8mg for about 6 weeks till I see her again in late November. I’ve been thinking of doing the 9 mg as prescribed as it’s only a 10% drop, then asking her via email if I can move to 8.5 for a month, and then 8. After that I hope to go very slowly, as is so often recommended here. (She also suggested introducing methotrexate, which I very much don’t want to do.)
Like everyone else, Pred has been a wonder drug for me, though at any dosage (20mg and lower) I have never been totally out of pain and stiffness, much less the debilitating fatigue. I have mild osteopenia, mildly high bp which is controlled with drugs, mild gastritis, and my cataracts were removed years ago. The PMR blood indicators are now in the normal range.
Thank you in advance for any experience you’ve had, and any advice.