I had my 8th injection of Actemra last week, before I could get the next batch, I needed the rheumi's OK.
My rheumi has no interest in any of my symptoms, practically the whole time I'm sitting in a chair across from him, he is typing away, making it very hard to even get a word in! He showed me my CPR history on a graph, and seemed happy with the results of the Actemra injections. Too happy, maybe, and too confident in the efficacy of Actemra.
My next appointment with him will not be till the end of October, meantime, I am to have a blood test to check the level of tocilizumab in my blood, the sample has to be sent to Holland, where they analyze it, in order to allow doctors to fine tune the dosage. According to the tapering schedule the rheumi wrote out for me, I should be on 2.5 mgs by October. I'm now on 6.5, so it would be breaking the 10% rule no matter what method I use, so I'm keeping my fingers crossed that the rheumi, despite being so markers-driven, will take my symptoms into consideration if it turns out that Actemra isn't as miraculous as thought. My next appointment with rheumi in October will mark the end of the second year since my PMR diagnosis. I better get the paper that says PMR lasts an average of 5.9 years prepared to show him.
I feel well, as far as the PMR is concerned. I can now use my muscles without experiencing pain and climb stairs without having to rest every few steps. The sudden fatigue that overwhelms me off and on, is apparently a rather common side effect of actemra but the sicca symptoms have not been reported as such. The rheumi wasn't concerned, saying that Actemra is effective in treating sjogrens, too. So I didn't ask him to get me an antibody test for it.
He wasn't concerned about my total cholesterol being 334, either, he said Actemra raises both HDL and LDL which off sets the risk, plus being mobile now will help control the cholesterol.
Not sure if my experience with Actemra is of any interest but my reason for this post is to ask for ideas on the best tapering method to get from 6.5 to 2.5 by the end of October.maybe it will be possible with Actemra. My prescription for it ends end of December.
Have a good one, everybody!