Thank you all for bringing me up. I am still a bit down but tomorrow is another day after all. Had a long walk with my dog this morning. He rolled inot fox pooh. . Ugh. Covered him in tomatoketchup. Only thing that gets rid of the smell. Then big bath. Just what I needed. No getting away from it. When you have a dog. I can still smell fox pooh. 😣😈. But I have survived. Again tomorrow is another day. 😊 thanks again to you all xx
Thank you: Thank you all for bringing me up. I am... - PMRGCAuk
Thank you

Our dog used to do that, it was disgusting. Tomato ketchup 😳 Hot Dog?
It’ll lift Janette, it probably is a bit already. Xxxx
Thank you Jane. But he is skeeping in his bed beside me. 🐴
So pleased you are feeling a bit better. How did you find out about tomato ketchup? Did have a laugh at the thought of your dog covered in ketchup though having to bath him in that state cannot have been any fun at all.
As you say tomorrow is another day and I hope it will be a good one for you.
Yes, have a good day tomorrow Morrison. I am going to. Am going to meet up at friend’s cottage at the lake and spend the day sewing. ( 6 of us). Weather will be cool so lots of food n fun. Have a great Sunday! Hugs to you!😍 maryanne
Don't you just love it.....but tomato ketchup - never heard of that for getting rid of smell, know what you mean though - the lingering smell. I wouldn't have bathed him he'd have got the hose pipe - ours didn't like it though. What with his windy tummy he certainly keeps you on your toes, you're coming round I feel.
Glad you feeling bit better. Fox poo is indeed yuck urgh. My dog did it and I had to drive 30 miles with the windows open gasping.
With the ketchup it's best to just smother only the spot(s) where the poo roll occurred. The more you spread it the worse it gets as sticks all over. Last time I used a whole bottle round her ears and one side of her neck left her outside for a while then just rinsed that part off. Fortunately my dog loves swimming so after she had dried out I went to the river and just had her swimming and diving in for an hour.
A long walk sounds wonderful I haven't been able to do that in about five years. Sure would feel good to be able to
Yep tomato ketchup neutralises the smell. Always tell people to use it. Dogs! Don't you just love them for keeping you on your toes. Mine certainly keep me going on this long journey with PMR/GCA bless them.
Glad you are feeling a bit better Morrison. You are not alone, we are always hear to listen.
We used to have a Labrador who always rolled in sheep poo!! I can still remember that smell years later!!
Morrison you are able to walk your dog! My two terriers are having a dog walker 3 times a week, yesterday and today I walked them individually up the road and back, about 100 yards all told, my neighbour assumed I'd be rehoming them making me think I'm selfish but life wouldn't be worth living without them. Hope you continue to feel better, this is a lonely deasease I'm finding, thank goodness for this forum. xxx
It will get better - if you have a suitable place to aim for where you can rest it helps too. You did 50yds out and 50 yds back. If that is good, next week do 75 yds out and back - and see how you feel after that. And if there is a park bench or cafe halfway you can probably manage a bit more with a good rest in the middle. We used to walk to a restaurant, have a 2 hour lunch (this is Italy) and then walk home!
But 50 yds out and back done twice a day well spaced is 100yds out and back. It adds up
Ignore what your neighbour might have assumed. The dogs are part of your family. You have got them a walker and are doing the best you can. Even getting out for 10 minutes is good. My dog gets used to the swings and roundabouts if my illnesses. I wouldn't be without her and from her behaviour when I tried to leave my sisters to go to the shop she wouldn't be without me. Give them a cuddle and biscuit from me!!🌻🌻
Talking of swings and roundabouts - I had a friend who, when she was ill, "walked" her Border Collie by sitting on the swing in the garden and swinging gently. The dog raced round in circles perfectly happily!
They don't mind as long as there is interaction. They might have more mad half hours though.
I am lucky that mine is ball focussed I can drive somewhere have a bit of a shuffle and then throw the ball. I have perfected the underarm ball throw. If there's water involved she is very happy. It is better to do these things smarter. Without a dog I would stay at home. She forces me out and even though she is 11 soon she is full of energy. She was a very sickly puppy but has made up for it and has been such a friend that I will get another hound when her times if up.
I suppose with a chain of supermarkets to your name you have access to endless supplies of ketchup!
Keep smiling and walking that dog.
Good to hear you are getting out with Jack R. will remember the ketchup. You have a boy, my son's old girl has tomato juice over her meal, stops her wee killing the grass. Instead of bare patches, there are patches of dark green grass.