Hubby was brought home for a while yesterday by the hospital, to see if he can manage on his own at home. He made himself a cup of coffee, got on and off the bed, used the bathroom, and got out in the garden (down 3 steps) with help. They think he should have a personal alarm system for when he is at home alone, and they gave me leaflets for 4 different ones, which I have to buy. They think he will be allowed home later this week, once they have arranged his medication and had a meeting. Hurray!
Hubby update: Hubby was brought home for a while... - PMRGCAuk
Hubby update

That is so encouraging Marcimay! Is that a picture of your garden? How lovely. He must be keen to get home. Is there any help that you can access for the early days? I am concerned that you might overdo things in the sheer happiness of having him home.
It does seem cruel that we are required to do so much for ourselves following a stroke, when every instinct will tell you to rest. I guess, that however long an activity takes, the patient needs to be doing it for themselves within reason. You still need to ensure that you consider your own needs. I hope and pray that every day you two get stronger. 🌼🌼🌼
PS. Paying for the leaflets and the alarm! The NHS is being chipped away. We didn’t realise how lucky we were to be born when we were.
Great news!!!! Good for him! ... will YOU be okay, looking after him?

So pleased for you both, but do hope you are going to get some help if only just occasionally. Plus register with your GP surgery as his carer, so they are fully aware!
Hi Marcimay
That’s good news, getting him treated quickly was the key to his rapid recovery.
As Jane says you need some help so you can look after yourself & also your DH
Any offers of someone to mow the lawn or to make meals or run the vacuum cleaner around, then take them. People always say ‘Is there anything l can do to help?’ The answer is a resounding YES!
Yes as DL says register as a career at the Surgery & you may be entitled to some benefits that could pay for a cleaner/gardener
And don’t forget Online Shopping for ‘The Big Shop’ you can pop in for fresh things, fruit & veg etc. If you don’t know how to do it, get someone to do it for you & that’ll be a big help.
All The Best
Mrs Nails 💅🏼

Already hired someone to cut the grass every other week. One of my neighbours used to work in the care sector, offered to help if needed. We have a Morrisons very close and a Lidl being built 5 mins away, opening soon. Not tried on-line shopping yet, but may come to that later.
If your husband is ex military you can get help from forces charities to fund personal alarms , they helped us to get one for our Mum ,as my Dad was ex army x

Great news for you both, Marcimay. Hope Social Services can advise you on all the help that is available, not just for hubby but for you, too, a handrail down the steps into the garden for instance, so that you can both relax in the sun and recover from the stresses of the past few weeks.🌞

Hooray! Nothing like being at home with a decent cuppa. Now the work begins, so encouraging.
The hospital should have a Social Worker
In some areas they are able to provide some free Care for a six week period .
Also have they done a OT assessment if not ask your Council if they can call and complete one .
lots of things they are able to provide
So happy for you that he is coming home
They brought him home from hospital yesterday to do an assessment, all went OK he will need to be watched when making hot drinks and helped down the steps to garden. Will get a personal alarm too.
I'm so glad he's doing so well! OT is very important. Even though I'm in the US, when my father had his stroke, and it was a very bad one, he received about 6 weeks of therapy in a facility. When his therapists thought he reached a certain plateau, they sent him home. The stoke left him paralyzed on the left side however, they did an amazing job with him.
Good news , take care of you as well .
Oh, I'm so happy he's doing well.
Now, for at home, you need to get some respite help for a few hours a day so you can take care of yourself, as well as any errands that need doing outside the home. And you should ask for Physical Therapy and Occupational Therapy at home for him. That will also provide a little break for you while they are there taking care of him.
That's a lovely garden you have there. I can see the two of you have a late afternoon cuppa together.
Be well.
Wonderful news! It's good for him to do things for himself, as each repetitive task helps to create new pathways in his brain. Even as adults, our brains are able to compensate for damage in one area, with another area taking over that function. I've also heard that while he's asleep and dreaming of what he's done each day, to his brain, it's as if he's still performing those tasks! So sleep is good, but so is coffee-making!
However, do get all the help you can for him and you too, as the others have said.
So pleased he is home Marcimay and now you can slowly put things in place so that all the responsibility doesn't completly rest on you. Certainly the alarm is a good start and folk have given many good suggestions. Do make some time for yourself too but so pleased that you are now home together. Xx
So a new phase in your lives is to begin, and although you will be anxious to start with, I’m sure he will get stronger day by day, and you adjusting as well. As others say, take time out for yourself, if it’s only to have a cuppa with a friend.
Also you will be entitled to have the attendance allowance, it helps when you have to pay for gardening etc.
Be patient with yourself and your feelings, things have changed. I remember with my husband, but we managed a lot of very special times together. Love to you both and your family xx
That is good news Marcimay and reading through the replies you seem to be getting the appropriate assistance so far. It is vital that stroke patients get immediate treatment and you have had that, the rest is rehabilitation, which is hard work.
I would urge you to register with your local 'Carers' it is a charity and I think they are in every area, this is separate to letting your GP surgery know you are a carer - they should have the leaflets. The charity will look at every aspect of the help you might need, also it covers you for emergency care for your husband should you be taken ill suddenly. You get so many nights free should that happen. If you would like to you can message me privately.
Best wishes to both you and your husband Marcimay